Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Програмне забезпечення обліку медичних препаратів на складі

Реферат Програмне забезпечення обліку медичних препаратів на складі




*author Humanity


@ Entity

@ Table (name= SHIPMENT )

@ NamedQueries ({@ NamedQuery (name= Shipment.findAll raquo ;, query= SELECT s FROM Shipment s ),NamedQuery (name= Shipment.findById raquo ;, query= SELECT s FROM Shipment s WHERE s.id =: id ),NamedQuery (name= Shipment.findByQuantity raquo ;, query= SELECT s FROM Shipment s WHERE s.quantity =: quantity ),NamedQuery (name= Shipment.findByDatetime raquo ;, query= SELECT s FROM Shipment s WHERE s.datetime =: datetime )}) class Shipment implements Serializable {static final long serialVersionUID=1L;

@ Id

@ GeneratedValue (strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY)

@ Basic (optional=false)

@ Column (name= ID ) Integer id;

@ Basic (optional=false)

@ Column (name= QUANTITY ) int quantity;

@ Column (name= DATETIME )

@ Temporal (TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) Date datetime;

@ JoinColumn (name= RESPONSIBLEPERSONID raquo ;, referencedColumnName= ID )

@ ManyToOne (optional=false) Employee responsiblepersonid;

@ JoinColumn (name= PRODUCTID raquo ;, referencedColumnName= ID )

@ ManyToOne (optional=false) Product productid; Shipment () {

} Shipment (Integer id) {.id=id;

} Shipment (Integer id, int quantity) {.id=id; .quantity=quantity;

} Integer getId () {id;

} void setId (Integer id) {.id=id;

} int getQuantity () {quantity;

} void setQuantity (int quantity) {.quantity=quantity;

} Date getDatetime () {datetime;

} void setDatetime (Date datetime) {.datetime=datetime;

} Employee getResponsiblepersonid () {responsiblepersonid;

} void setResponsiblepersonid (Employee responsiblepersonid) {.responsiblepersonid=responsiblepersonid;

} Product getProductid () {productid;

} void setProductid (Product productid) {.productid=productid;


@ Overrideint hashCode () {hash=0; +=(id!=null? id.hashCode (): 0); hash;


@ Overrideboolean equals (Object object) {

//TODO: Warning - this method will not work in the case the id fields are not set (! (object instanceof Shipment)) {false;

} other=(Shipment) object; ((this.id == null amp; amp; other.id!=null) || (this.id!=null amp; amp;! this.id.equals (other.id))) {false;

} true;


@ OverrideString toString () { Entities.Shipment [id= + Id + ] raquo ;;



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*author Humanity

*/class EmployeeRepository {EntityManager entityManager; String GetAllEmployeesQuery= select e from Employee e raquo ;; EmployeeRepository (EntityManager entityManager) {.entityManager=entityManager;

} List lt; Employee gt; GetAllEmployees () {query=entityManager.createQuery (GetAllEmployeesQuery); query.getResultList ();

} Employee GetEmployeeById (int employeeId) {employee=entityManager.find (Employee.class, employeeId); employee;

} void InsertEmployee (Employee employee) {t=entityManager.getTransaction () ;. begin (); {. persist (employee) ;. flush () ;. commit ();

} catch (Exception ex) {.rollback ();


} void UpdateEmployee (Employee employee) {t=entityManager.getTransaction () ;. begin (); {. refresh (employee) ;. flush () ;. commit ();

} catch (Exception ex) {.rollback ();


} void DeleteEmployee (int employeeId) {t=entityManager.getTransaction () ;. begin (); {Employee=GetEmployeeById (employeeId) ;. remove (Employee) ;. flush () ;. commit ();

} catch (Exception ex) {.rollback ();


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