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Реферат Formation in England

l, so-called level "A" (A-levels) on several objects (as a rule, on two-three). The study of these objects is passed to the classes of the highest step of charter school or in the college. These classes are named the 12th and 13th classes. At the end the 12th class students pass intermediate examinations A-levels on the studied objects. At the end of the 13th class are surrendered the examinations exhaust, they entrance. Thus, the classes of level "A", or A-levels, they are "highest echelon of school instruction "with the preparation in the university.

11. Quarry-edvayzer in the schools of England

There is in the British schools the official, to the method to whom the students of upper exhaust classes come so frequently, that now and then in its office is built the turn. Who this? Already not school whether doctor? By no means. These are - adviser on the selection of future profession, on job placement after school, consultant on all questions, which are concerned further studies, the supply of statements in VUZ (Institute of Higher Education) or college. This is school careers of adviser. With its aid the students obtain the information about which order of the supply of statements in VUZ, such as objects it is desirable to select for the study on the level "A" in order to enter one or other department or another of university, they learn about their rights to obtaining of financial loan for continuing the studies or about the procedure of job placement. Hundreds of questions disturb in the period of determination "whom to be "16-18 - summer students. And their first teacher by this method - school quarry-edvayzer. The presence of this organic unit in the school is provide ford with statute about the fact that all students of British schools must have the possibility to obtain information, councils and manuals relative to their future career - ie, of further studies and professional selection. In accordance with the recent solutions, all schools must include in training program for the classes being studied 9-11 - X program on the professional orientation.

12. Enrollment into VUZ (Institute of Higher Education)

Entrance examinations in British VUZ there does not exist. In the year before the namechennogo entering, concluding the last class of school, which is studied will be given statement in the higher educational institution. Moreover not into one, but immediately into six. Of course in one and the same selected specialty. After examining all characteristics of candidate, sent both by it personally, and its school, after studying the results of intermediate school examinations, universities make decision about that, there will be they to invite this competitor to the studies or not. In the case of the negative solution the competitor of place obtains information about the failure. In the case of the positive solution - so-called [offer] (proposal of place). [Offer] can be both the conditional and bezuslovnym. Bezuslovnyy indicates, independently of the results of final examinations in the school to candidate is already provide ford place at this university. Conditional proposal implies that the candidate will be accepted, if he collects on the school examinations the required quantity of marks.

But how, however, and why to enter immediately into six universities? To time it meetsya, to be trained immediately in six is ​​by no means impossible. System six statements only allows the possibility of wider selection - both for the future students and for the universities. Each university will find student, who corresponds to his requirements, and each student will obtain the university, which he deserves. However, how much offerov not obtained the candidate didate (it may happen that it does not obtain not one), not long before the final examinations in the school it will have to make the final decision: to name one of its invited universities by its "solid selection" and one more - "by fallback position ", and all the remaining proposals (if they, certainly, were) - To deflect. If candidate will collect the quantity of marks, which corresponds to the requirements of his university "solid selection", then in it he will be enrolled automatically. If marks it proves to be sufficiently as soon as for "alternate", it means in it to it and it is in prospect it learns. In the case of the shortage of marks not into one of the universities the candidate can traverse the special system of the search for places at those universities, which were short changed the necessary number of students, and to fill the existing in them vacancy. By accurately such means will search for to himself place that competitor, who did not obtain invitations generally. But if and in this search candidate proves to be outboard, he has the right to retake school examinations and to attempt to enter university for the following year. In th...

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