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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Theoretical and practical aspects of the article in Modern English

Реферат Theoretical and practical aspects of the article in Modern English

synagogue, of course» [10; 31] with unique referencea predicative noun phrase names a unique role or job, either a zero article or the is used: Cameron appoints Cheryl Gillan as Welsh Secretary (zero article) government has not ruled out any options on airport expansion in south-east England , Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin has said.Lewis, the Conservative MP for Great Yarmouth, is to head a new committee to oversee reconstruction lt; ... gt; (With article the) [19] was re-elected OPEC president in November.structureszero article sometimes occurs in parallel constructions like X and Y or from X toY, where X and Y are identical or contrasting nouns. Examples of this kind are often fixed phrases like, eye to eye, face to face, from start to finish etc.wants to travel from country to country.

«From Man You Came and to Man You Shall Return ...» [10; 26]

«and then one from waist to neck, and fearing he would forget this one, he tied a string from ear to tooth to scrotum to heel ...» [10; 29]

«It flew from face to face, buzzing, landing on long noses, going in and out of hairy ears» [10; 30]

«Father is a fat man, and Mother is also. Father is a fat man, and Mother is also »[10; 17]

«He was the president (and treasurer and secretary and only member) of the Committee for the Good and Fine Arts ...» [10; 59] broadly relates to communications betwee lawyer and client.consider following examples that use the indefinite article:

«What? I had heard it might be a problem, but it wasn ta problem. »

«... he could never provide because the bureaucrat was a man, and he was not a man» languagezero article can occur with noun phrases in block language, that is abbreviated language used in newspaper headlines, labels, lists, notices.hunt man with suitcase over Jayden Parkinson murder investigating the disappearance of teenager Jayden Parkinson are searching for a man spotted pulling a suitcase through a field in the middle of the night. [20] Headline uses the zero article for man and suitcase, which are then mentioned in the news story as a man and a suitcase.Enters Spacesees beauty of Yellowstone's largest metahpor hits ice-berg (headlines)

5. The definite article the

definite article expresses the identification or individualization of the referent of the noun. The object that the noun denotes is taken as concrete and individual, or definite.use of theunknown entities have been introduced, they can be treated as «knоwn» and named by the in later references. This use is clear in the following passage, where the definite article has been introduced: 12- year old boy got mad on his parents Friday night because they refused to let him go fishing on the Colorado River with relatives. So, while his parents were distracted during a barbecue with eight adult friends, he slipped away from his sister and three brothers, snatched the keys to a Volkswagen Beetle and drove off in one of his parent's four cars, lt; ... .. gt; El Cajon police sent teletype descriptions of the curly haired, 90-pound sixth-grader to law enforcement agencies throughout Southern California and the Arizona border area. The boy was found unharmed - but scared and sleepy (news) is what is called anaphora: the phrase with the refers back to a previously mentioned item.anaphoric use of theindirect anaphora, the earlier noun is not repeated, but an associated noun is used with the:

«Not with standing that we had a deranged bitch in the car, who made a proclivity of throwing her body against the windows ...» [10; 42]

«The station was not ordinary, because there were blue and yellow papers from the ceiling ...» [10; 44] know that cars have windows, so after the car has been mentioned, the windows can be treated as known.of the with synonyms, indirect anaphora involves the use of a differenr noun reffering to the same thing or person.example again is the shift from a 12-year-old boy to the curly haired, 90-pound sixth-grader.

«Where s dog going to be? the hero inquired I can t help it.

The bitch and the Jew will share the back seat. It is vast enough for both of them. »[10; 47] saw his red Toyota near the house. The vehicle was shining.know that Toyota is a car, a vehicle though, so the vehicle is treated as known.use of theis known as the opposite of anaphora. In this case the definite reference is established by something following later in the text, especially some modifier of the noun.

«It was invented in 1969. My friend Gregory knows a friend of the nephew [of the person who invented]»

«I have girdled in the envelope the ...

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