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Реферат Research data collection methods and stages of the research

age propensity to save) in different registers (Figure 4)

Figure 3. The percentage of frequency of acronym APS in different registers

3 presents the frequency of the acronym APS which means average propensity to save (Ekonomikos termin?? odynas 1997). As it is shown in the above figure some registers as SPOKEN, FICTION and NEWSPAPER do not contain the acronym APS. Although, there are such registers as MAGAZINE register which includes 1 token with this particular acronym what equals to 0,0006%. NON-ACADEMIC register contains tokens what equals to 0,36% of frequency. In ACADEMIC register 1 token was noticed which comprise 0,07% of frequency of the given acronym. In the last MISC register 7 tokens are found which constitute 0,34% of frequency of the given acronym.following figure presents the frequency of the acronym APT (average propensity to tax) in different registers (Figure 5).

Figure 4. The percentage of frequency of acronym APT in different registers

Figure 4 presents the percentage of frequency of acronym APT which means average propensity to tax. SPOKEN register includes 11 tokens of given acronym, what constitutes 1,10% of frequency. The registers of FICTION, MAGAZINE, NEWSPAPER and NON-ACADEMIC have almost the same percentage - 6,47%, 6,20%, 5,22% and 6,12%. Other registers such as ACADEMIC and MISC have 9,26% of acronym frequency and 9,41%.

Figure 5. The percentage of frequency of acronym GNP in different registers

The above figure presents the acronym GNP which stands for the term actual gross national product (Ekonomikos termin?? odynas 1997). As it is seen, there are no tokens of the acronym in the register of SPOKEN ENGLISH. Whereas in FICTION there is 1 token out of 15,909,342 texts what presents 0,06% of frequency of the acronym. In the register of MAGAZINE there are 56 tokens out of 7,261,990 texts that comprise 7,71% of productivity of its usage. However, in NEWSPAPER register there are 7 tokens out of 10,466,422 texts what constitutes 0,67% of frequency of the acronym. In NON-ACADEMIC register the percentage of frequency reaches 20,49% so there are 338 tokens out of 16,495,185 texts. In ACADEMIC and MISC registers the frequency is much lower in comparison with the previous register. In ACADEMIC sub-section there is one hundred tokens out of 15,331,668 texts what coprises 6,52% of frequency of the taken acronym. In MISC register there are 90 tokens out of 20,835, 159 what comprises 4,32% of frequency of the acronym.

. The Frequency of Acronyms in Business Context

The second sub-section of the practical part reviews the results of productivity of acronyms in Business language as reflected in such registers as MAGAZINE, NEWSPAPER, ACADEMIC and MISC.

Acronym APC is presented in Figure 1. In MAGAZINE register there is 1 token which presents 0,14% of frequency of the acronym. Only 1 token contains the NEWSPAPER register which constitutes 0,10% of frequency. The most productive of all these registers is ACADEMIC and MISC sub-selections. ACADEMIC register presenting 1,89%, and the MISC - 1,92%. APM is presented in Figure 2. As it is shown in the above figure some registers as MAGAZINE and NEWSPAPER do not contain the acronym APM. In ACADEMIC register 3 tokens were noticed which comprise 0,20% of frequency of the given acronym. In the last MISC register 3 tokens are found which constitute 0,14% of frequency of the given acronym. APS is presented in the Figure 3. The NEWSPAPER register does not contain the acronym APS. Although, there are such registers as MAGAZINE register which includes 1 token with this particular acronym what equals to 0,0006%. In ACADEMIC register 1 token was noticed which comprise 0,07% of frequency of the given acronym. In the last MISC register 7 tokens are found which constitute 0,34% of frequency of the given acronym. APT is presented in the Figure 4 . The registers of MAGAZINE and NEWSPAPER have almost the same percentage of frequency - 6,20% and 5,22%. Other registers such as ACADEMIC and MISC have 9,26% of acronym frequency and 9,41%. GNP is presented in Figure 5. In the register of MAGAZINE there are 56 tokens out of 7,261,990 texts that comprise 7,71% of productivity of its usage. However, in NEWSPAPER register there are 7 tokens out of 10,466,422 texts what constitutes 0,67% of frequency of the acronym. In ACADEMIC sub-section...

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