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Реферат Phraseological unit as a newspaper title


Introduction1. Phraseology as a science. p align="justify"> 1.1 Semantic structures of phraseological units

.2 Classification of phraseological units2. Functional style. p align="justify"> 2.1 Classifications of functional styles

.2 Features of newspaper style

Chapter 3. Peculiarities of the title. p align="justify"> .1 Role of the title in revealing conceptual information of the text

.2 Phraseological unit as a newspaper title and its functionslist of used literature


is the treasury of the language. There is a reflection of the nations history in phraseological units, originality of culture and life. Phraseology often carries bright national character. p align="justify"> The subject matter of this qualification paper is that phraseology as a science reveals peculiarites of phraseological units in language in connection with other levels of language . It also studies sementical, structural-grammatical, expressive-stylistical property of phraseological units, pecularities of its usage, make its classificiation look though sources and ways of filling up phraseological found of the language.

The object of this qualification paper is devoted to study the role of phraseological unit in the language and use of phrraseologucal units as a newspaper title .

The actuality of the qualification paper is determined by the necessity phraseological units in newspaper title.linguistic phenomenon, which is phraseological unit, will be investigated in modern methods. The analysis will be used to achieve the aim and tasks put forward in this qualification paper.

The aim and hypothesis require solving the following tasks:

to study semantic peculiarities of phraseological units.

to investigade functional styles, in paticularly features of newspaper style.

to analyze peculiarities of the title and the role of the phraseological unit in newspaper style.

Theoretical importance of qualification paper consists in the material ofunits which deals with functional style and newspaper title.

Practical value of the qualification paper is that in the results of the paper can be used in course of lexicology, phraseology and stylistics Besides the material of the paper can be while preparing for seminars by the discipline named above, writing the cours...

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