entifically reasonable system of agriculture, deepening of specialization of agricultural production and increase of his efficiency are important.specialization of agricultural production a large value is had transport, transport terms. Without a transport, it is impossible to decide the question of placing of products, change in specialization, delivery of products from other districts and other. If production of certain type of products cost together with charges on delivery in this district higher from charges on the production of her in other district, then better not to leave her, but produce in place.important factor of specialization of agricultural production is material well-being of him by labor resources. It touches those types of products, the production of that yetis mechanized not enough, but the expenses of direct labor on unit of products are large.important role development of specialization is play by natural factors, in particular, quality of soils, amount of precipitations , temperature condition and others like that. In practice of agricultural production there are difficult cooperation and inter conditionality of economic and natural factors that affect his specialization. Through large territory of Ukraine, variety of economic and ground-climatic terms the differentiated going is needed near specialization of production in separate zones, districts and agricultural enterprises.
. 2 Methodology of determination is specialization of agricultural enterprises and indexes of her economic efficiency
of production in agricultural enterprises is characterize by many indexes basic from that is a structure of commodity products. Therefore, the value of certain industry of agricultural enterprise is determine by part of her commodity products in the general amount of commodity products of economy.additional indexes of specialization of production are: structure of gross products; a structure of expenses of labor is in industries; a structure of capital, capital investments goods is for the row of years; structure of sowing areas; structure of population of animals and other.index inwardly economic specialization of agricultural enterprises is a structure of gross products.the economies that is specialized on the production of goods of one industry, it follows to take those in that this industry gives over to the 50 percent commodity products. From here an economy can be a cattle breeder, pig breeding, grain-growing. If industry gives two kinds to the products, then specialization of economy is determined after the prevailing type of products (for example, milk meat cattle breeding, meat wool sheep breeding). If two industries of economy give 2/3 and more commodity products (one a chop the mare not less than as 25 and not more than 50 percent then such economies attribute to specialized on two industries. Specialization they are determined after industry the products of that prevail (for example, sugar beet milk, cattle breeding flax cultivation direction of economy) .those, that is specialized on three industries, take economies that get from these industries 75 percent more commodity products commodity products, thus each of these industries must produce not less than 24 percent no more to the 33,3 percent commodity products. Other enterprises are attribute to those, where certain specialization was yet fold.level of specialization of economy is determined after part by the costs of commodity products of main industries in a total worth him commodity products. Deeply specialized enterprises that produce one type of commodity products (poultry factories, economies from fattening to the sapling/plc. of cattle, pigs, vegetable factories and others like that) mainly have a high level of specialization. Thus, part of commodity products of mainindustrypresentseconomiesoverthe50percentgeneralcosts of commodity products. Than less of main and additional industries, that comparatively higher is a level of specialization of enterprise.level of specialization is determined after a coefficient that is expected after a formula:
Кс=100/(? Ут (2І - 1)),
Кс- coefficient of specialization; Ут - part of commodity products of separate industries; i- is a sequence number of part of commodity products at a certain row. Value of Кс to 0,20 testifies to the low level of specialization of economy; 0,21-0,40 - middle; 0,41-0,60 - high; 0,61 and anymore - for deep specialization of economy.two basic progress of specialization trends. The first is characterize by that an economy is specialized on the production of a few types of commodity products: one- two in a plant-grower and one-two in a stock raising at simultaneous development of a few additional and subsidiary industries. This tendency presently is basic. The second tendency becomes known in that an enterprise is spe...