ting, a reality changing images to which art of XX century so painfully aspired, is reached here through development of lessons of Old Russian painting. Directly declaring successive communication, this product forces to recollect simultaneously and "Abduction of Europe "Сєрова at which Petrov-Vodkin studied in the Moscow school. The image of the horseman on a game, turning thought to folklore representations, in painful the stood movement gives rise to a question. Celebratory triumph of color and sleepy bewitching rhythm of lines, a powerful horse and the young man-teenager who has fallen asleep in not clear thought, powerlessly having lowered reins, being given to the power of force goodness knows where attracting it, memoirs on the past and not clear presentiment of the future - such combination of opposite elements symbolically on the internal structure. Owing to it also was perceived by contemporaries as a symbol of the worried moment.
Even more consistently Petrov-Vodkin to images of Old Russian art in such works, as "Mother", "Girls on Volga" (1915), "addresses Morning. Bathers "(1917). Here echoes іконописних images - in fixed в„ў movements, in self-immersing of characters, in contemplation by which heroines of these pictures are got are audible. In Petrov-Vodkin's creativity value of eternal images and that towers: a dream and awakening, age steps of a life - adolescence, a youth, motherhood, life circulation between a birth and death - such is a circle of these that. In treatment of a similar sort any new epoch expresses those the ideal representations about a place of the person in the space whole. In the art world they play a role універсалій the philosophical order, towering over variability of the fluid validity. Accordingly in Petrov-Vodkin's graphic system all qualities of the world subject to supervision aspire to the пре to efficient, absolute conditions: Color gravitates to pure, released from atmosphere fluctuations, light has character astral "eternal light", the horizon line reproduces curvature of a planetary surface of the earth according to a principle of so-called spherical prospect which all event in space translates in a rank of the phenomena of space scale. In variety of modern forms of art generalization Petrov-Vodkin allocates what have the concrete art address, - an Old Russian icon and a fresco, and also Italian кватроченто, i.e. those phenomena in scales of national and European art tradition which directly approach to a threshold of the latest differentiation and analytical smashing but where the art world and a image of the world in art was still thought and appeared as the certain integrity informing to ways of art expression the press of the monumental greatness. As whole in feeling of a universal link of times and the phenomena - here that thirsts for world contemplation to express and revive in the modern art Petrov-Vodkin. Програмно appealing to associative ability of art memory, he as if urges to guess, what shape and an image have the modern world and art feeling peculiar to it in соизмерении with the nature and history in space of the world cultural experience.
Petrov-Vodkin, as well as variety of other masters of its generation, years one of visible masters of the Soviet painting, having brought with itself during a new epoch live art traditions, high ideas and perfect skill.