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Реферат The basic principles of regulation by safety of econom

education and management of all structure and volume of needs (requirements) working, pensioners, youth and all population of each region and society (community) as a whole in a harmonious combination among themselves and with interests of the country is наїглавнейшей an economic task facing all system of state authority in the country. For this reason the connection of authority with an economic science is a guarantee of stability both safety of functioning of a society (community) and forward movement of a national economy without shocks, дефолтів and depressions. Major parameter of an economic efficiency of functioning both development of national economy and its (her) major base and key branches is not the fiscal collection probably of large financial assets from the enterprises, organizations and population of the country as the taxes (at absence of the mechanism of their effective utilization), and всемірне maintenance of a necessary and sufficient standard of well-being of a nation, first of all of workers and pensioners, which are the base of a nation in any country of the world and parameter of well -being of a nation and his (its) international status. And urgent necessity instead of all weight of the taxes naturally follows from this rule (situation) an economic feasibility to establish the uniform state tax, (including the absent nowadays parental tax, as in the majority the adult children in the usual hard economic conditions actually have stopped care of the parents) on the proceeds from realization of production and services in volumes ensuring functioning of a public superstructure.the economic point of view it is necessary to note, that the less than volume of the raised taxes and their quantity (amount ), the above professional level of management of a national economy and higher rates of growth of major economic parameters, including its (her) major parameter - standard of well-being both health of the population of the country and its (her) separate regions , instead of far-fetched роздутий валовий a parameter such as ВВП. And than higher is the well-being of wide national weights, the above and level by national economy, the more stably and more reliably economic situation of the country, its (her) safety and strategic rule (situation) in world (global) economic and господарсько-political system.

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