2.3 The main bearers of image:
The main carriers of elements of corporate stile are:
В§ printing ad of agency;
В§ souvenir;
В§ the elements of corporate s interior; carriers are: the firm advertising banner, package paper, label, business card, uniform, pictures on the side of transportation, etc.
Chapter III: Approaches to making image up
3.1 The methods of researching of organization's image
of image of the organization is a responsibility of the PR-department. To research the image it is always necessary when the organization hasn t image or when a new image is formed. The company analyzes the market even well-formed image, because image could turn old and become worse during the time. The actuality of researching of image is that modern market doesn t give a chance so organizations that position themselves incorrectly because consumers don t buy goods but the simple brand.main methods of image researching are:
В§ Focus group
В§ Questionnaire
В§ Interviewing of consumers
В§ Analyzing of publishing in the mass media s better to use all methods in total, as each of them give the different value of a question. The questionnaire method as example gives more statistical and mass information about characteristics and the status of image. It shows a public opinion and condition to the firm. Due to this method it is necessary to know the influence of an advertising on a consumer. Is it a correct forming of the image in the people mind? Focus group method is the innovation in the researching of image. Always a segment is divided into several focus groups and PR-manager holds a conversation with any group. During the contact participants give their opinions and offer ideas about the image formation. Participants of such groups are clients of the company, who gives value about image. Using this method it is possible to learn strong and poor characteristic of the travel agency and also an opinion of consumers about competitors. interviewing method is the deepest. Always an interview is conducted with a one people who a man of importance group for the travel agency. He is asked about how he views the organization, what he could change, add and advice. The aim of the interview is achieve the opinion of the consumer about the company on the level of conscio...