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Реферат Ensuring personal safety of law enforcement officers

proaches to security staff

upon the fact that the causes of accidents while performing their professional duties employees are mostly hazardous and dangerous profession of employees, the entire set of possible measures to ensure their personal safety can be roughly divided into two groups:

? measures aimed at reducing hazardous conditions;

? measures aimed at reducing unsafe acts.mechanism to prevent accidents is reduced in its general form to implement these two key areas. Let's examine them in more detail. But first, in my opinion, you should make a few remarks on the concept of "personal security." Traditionally, it is identified with the term "physical safety of the individual." From the point of view of a narrow approach to this concept is not unobjectionable. However, in this case, more productive, from our point of view, is to use the concept of "personal security" in its broader sense, is the notion that, along with physical security includes a number of other components (such as organizational security, social security and others who are in close interdependence between them) [3]. eliminate the danger factor of the activity of law enforcement bodies, given its focus on the fight against crime and law enforcement is impossible. That's why we should go mainly to minimize this factor and its possible negative impacts and consequences. This applies to both external and internal level of risk, which is subject to law enforcement. Refers to the first-for-all deficiencies in the management and organization including HR and in this context should not talk about minimizing and the complete elimination of hazards, which is quite possible [2]. My opinion, reduce or if possible eliminate hazardous conditions professional law enforcement officers in carrying out special operations involves an analysis of the environment in which this activity occurs and the diagnosis of internal problems related and human resources. Analysis of the external environment aimed at controlling external in relation to law enforcement factors to determine their capabilities and potential hazards. External environment is measured by three parameters: definitions and accounting changes that affect or may affect the activities of their status in society, health workers, assessment of the factors that have significant opportunities to achieve tasks law enforcement and identification and thorough analysis of the factors that pose a threat, a potential risk. These results make it possible to respond to these or other factors make the necessary adjustments in the organization of the special operations by law enforcement agencies to develop and implement measures to prevent danger, threat, reduce their impact and implications for the organization as a whole and for each worker.is known that when the danger cannot be eliminated, it is necessary to do everything to from it. In connecti...

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