Always consider him dangerous! Remember that even weak at first sight opponent may have at least one unknown to you intake. However, do not overestimate the opponent and not be afraid of it. Any, even the strongest opponent, has its weaknesses. p align="justify">. Big mistake is predicting the end of battle. You should not think he will win, and your weapons work at the right moment. p align="justify">. Hit hard, just does not hold any reception at random! Strategy serious battle lies not in the fact that attacker pain and defused. If it is dangerous and decisive, the pain only provoke him. p align="justify">. attacker not, be prepared for a variety of surprises! During detention do not forget to search the striker. Maybe he has a weapon, although the fight he did not use it. If first aid to a person who received injuries, follow the necessary precautions regarding unexpected attack. [2] (providing) the measures are as follows:
. staffing arrangements - to ensure effective operation of the staff under professional competence, qualification and prospects of improvement of professional skill of the worker.
. arrangements - providing organizational and management measures in accordance with applicable law and the direction of the employee pursuant to an order of the head.
. executive (administrative) measures - holding management measures to ensure the safety of employees. Provides briefings, training, analysis of situations, bringing the respective orders, monitoring of orders and instructions. p align="justify">. psyhomotorni measures - staff development in intellectual, motor and psychomotor skills.
. interventions - the ability to help the injured, using existing medical and improvised ways.
. logistical arrangements - providing employees needed and special logistical means (weapons, equipment, transport, communications, etc ..) to prompt and effective resolution of operational tasks and duties.
. social events - the presence of social security staff employees (compulsory insurance in case of accidents while performing their tasks, health care, creating appropriate conditions for work and rest) and enhance the positive image of the profession.
. economic measures - the ability of employees to meet their material needs and the needs of your family.measures both basic and auxiliary interconnected with each other, can be used in combination or as the result of the previous event, depending on the circumstances.conducted at the Department of Tax Police National University DPS Ukraine indicate that each type of professional activity has its risks, but the sequence of actions related to security, one for all. Lack of ongoing analysis, monitoring and forecasting of possible threats could have unintended consequences. [1]
2. Basic ap...