n this convention must guarantee and enter in frames of their national legislation such quick procedures for consideration of presented to citizens claims, herewith gratis, and, solely for minimum or symbolic cost on judicial expenses.is possible to confirm that for the state from the former socialist states, the given act of the international law has exclusive practical value (both in legal, psychological and moral aspects) .actual application for spirit of convention it is importance to have answers to the following questions: in what measure and in what way each of these states adapts the sense of the act of the international law to internal realities and national legal system. And the most important in this case will undoubtedly be the answer to the question whether have been created and in what way real guaranties of application of corresponding instructions are.
. Regional agreements) Convention of protection of the Black Sea from contamination. The idea of ??the similar regional act of the international law appeared in 1969. But on many reasons, development of the given Convention sprawled at time. It was definitively adopted and open for signing in Bucharest on April 21, 1992. Countries according to Convention are the states along the coast of the Black Sea [4]. Each country, interested in achievement of own purposes and helping greatly in protection and recovering of sea environment on the Black Sea if the given state is invited by all agreeing countries, can join Convention (Article 28, item 3) .Sea Convention is created similar to Convention on protection of the Mediterranean Sea from 1976, but it contains relatively more modern technical-legal approach to the problems solved [5] .leading problems of Convention take into account:
the fact that the Black Sea is half-closed;
that it has specific ecological and hydrological features (the Black Sea is considered fragile echo system ). to the convention the countries are obliged to co-operate for prevention, reduction and supervision of pollution of sea environment from sources , located on land, from naves or through dumping. In this connection Convention was enclosed with four reports [6], defining obligations to undertake concrete measures on protection of sea environment from contamination.to Convention protection of the Black Sea from contamination supposes 4 main functions:
to encourage application of Convention;
to make offers on measures, required for achievement of conventional purposes;
to offer at conferences to parties necessary changes and additions to convention and to reports enclosed.) Convention on cooperation at protection and firm use of the river Danube. The parties on the given Convention are obliged to undertake all required legal, administrative and technical measures for maintenance and improvement of quality of water of the river. The two main principles are perceived:
polluter should pay.forms of cooperation embrace undertaking of consultations, volume of information, data and experience. It is necessary to undertake specific measures to minimum risk from emergency contamination. The very important conventional element is the obligation to install general emission norms, attached to separate industrial branches, potential polluters of the river Danube, as well as development and application of joint programs of activity. According to Convention each state should enter the mode of permission plum polluted water in the river. All types of activity which can have significant negative influence upon state of the water the river, should pass the expert operation on influence on environment.
The literature
legal regulation lands building
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