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Реферат The manager as a teacher: selected aspects of stimulation of scientsfsc thinking

enemy submarine in its vicinity may substantially affect the fulfillment of its task. The combatant ship should be able to "see" all its surroundings and, based on the external situation, single out from all possible situations only those that may create such external influences which can prevent it from the implementation of its objective. For this purpose it should "know" possible situational scenarios which may affect the achievement of the goal of the given system. To this effect it should have "knowledge base" containing the description of all those situations which can affect the implementation of the objective. If its "Knowledge base" does not have the description of certain objects or situations it cannot distinguish (classify) an object or a situation and can not make correct decision. The "knowledge base" should store information not on the parameters of external influence which are stored in the "database", but on the situations around (beyond) the system which may lead to specific external influence. The "knowledge base" may be introduced in the control block at the moment of its "birth" or later together with the command, at that it is being introduced in the given block by the systems external in relation to the given system. If its "knowledge base" does not contain the description of the given situation, it can not distinguish and classify it. The "knowledge base" contains the description of various situations and the significance of these situations for the system. Knowing the importance of real situation for the achievement of the goal the system can make projection and take decision on its actions depending on the projection made. In addition to the "knowledge base" it should have "decision base" - a set of ready/stored/decisions that are made by the control block depending on the situation and the projection, (authorized decisions, instructions) in which appropriate decisions are stored that need to be made in respective situations. If it does not have ready decisions regarding external situation it cannot perform its objective. Having identified a situation and elaborated the decision, it gives a command to the analyzer-informant which activates a stimulator in an appropriate way. Thus, the control block is being complexificated on account of inclusion in its structure of the "C" informant and the analyzer-classifier containing the "Knowledge base" and the "base of decisions". That is why such control blocks are called "complex". The more complex the decision-making block is, the more precise decision may be chosen. Consequently, complex control block includes both the analyzer-informant which has "database
and the analyzer-classifier which has the "knowledge base" and the "decision base ". Not any living cell has analyzer - classifier. Animate/organic/nature is classified under two major groups: flora and fauna. Plants, as well as many other living forms of animate nature, such as corals and bacteria, do n...

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