s with afferent paths). Such receptors can be any receptors which are able of receiving information at a distance (haemo-, termo-, photoreceptors, etc). The hunter's visual analyzer includes photosensitive rods and cone cells in the eye (photoreceptors), optic nerves and various cerebral structures. He should be able to distinguish all surrounding subjects, classify them and single out a duck against the background of these subjects and locate a duck (situational evaluation). In addition, by means of reciprocal innervation he should position his body in such a way that the gun is directed precisely to the place in front of the duck (Forestalling/anticipation) to achieve the goal, ie to hit the duck. He does all this by means of his additional analyzer which is the analyzer-classifier. Simple control block of systems with NF does not contain such additional analyzer-classifier. That is why it is called "simple". It has only analyzer-informant which feels external influence by means of "X" sensor only when this influence has already begun; it measures the result of action by means of NF ("Y" sensor) only when this result is already evident and analyzes the information received after the result of action is already produced, because it takes time for the NF to activate. In addition, the analyzer-informant contains only "database" in which the table of due values ​​of controllable parameters (data) which need to be compared to the data of measurements of external influence and results of action "is written down" in explicit or implicit form. It elaborates decisions on the basis of t hese comparisons. Its algorithm of control is based only on the comparison of the given measurements carried out by "X" and "Y" with the "database". If the mismatch is equal to "M" it is necessary to perform, for example, less action, whereas if it is equal to "N", then more action should be done. Simple control block cannot change the decision as to the alteration of the level of controllable parameter, time of actuation and the NF intensity, since it does not have appropriate information. To perform these actions it should contain special elements which can provide it with such information. What does it need for this purpose? In order to make a decision the given block should "know" the situation around the system which can cause certain external influence. For this purpose it should first of all "see" it, ie have sensors which can receive information at a distance and without direct contact (remote "C" informant). In addition, it should contain a special analyzer-classifier which can classify external environment and single out from it not all the objects and situations, but those only which may affect the implementation of its goals. Besides, it should have notions of space and time. The play of fish and even dolphin shoals in the vicinity of floating combatant ship cannot affect its movement to target destination. But the "game" of the ...