> II. Make up your own dialogues between O. Radio and MV Peters using the following information.
Tide rising. It is 4 hours after high water.
Tide falling. It is 2 hours after high water.
Tide slack.
Current 3 knots in position H.
Charted depth decreased by 2 metres due to sea state.
Abnormally low tides expected in position H. at about 0945 UTC.
No sufficient depth of water in position H.
and readingthese words and try to memorize them
&> Direction вказівку, напучення, напрям
l ^ - To approach підходити, наближатися
fc "To guide керуватися
ffc * Heading - заголовок, назва
P> - To avoid-уникати, обходітьTo choose (chose, chosen) - вибирати To proceed-слідувати, йти
fa Conspicuous - примітний, добре видимий
fa Landmark - берегової орієнтир
"R ^ Summit - вершина
^ 5p/> e - шпиль
^ Chimney - труба
ВЈ * Fro/і seaward - з боку моря
IV Го ВЈ/7 /? g/л/ше - привести у ворота p>
^ Clear of dangers - на достатній відстані від небезпек
fa Leading line - створно лінія
fa Feasible - ймовірний, можливий, здійсненний
Directionsapproaching some port, anchorage, entering or passing through narrow channels or canals the navigator should be guided by special instructions. These instructions are given in the form of recommendations. As a rule several courses are recommended for ships proceeding from different directions. They will help the ship to avoid dangers and choose the correct course.conspicuous landmarks are used to show the direction of approach to some place. These may be lighthouses, water towers, summits of mountains, lights on some constructions, spires of churches, chimneys and other conspicuous objects seen from seaward.conspicuous objects brought in line from seaward may lead the ship clear of dangers into the port, roadstead, bay, anchorage, etc. This line is called a leading line.recommendations are often given in directions. They may refer to the effect of wind, tidal streams, currents, character of bottom, etc .. Answer the following questions about the text
What is meant by directions?
In what form are they given?
Why are several courses recommended for ships?
What landmarks are used to show the direction of approach?
What line may lead the ship clear of dangers?
What is understood by a leading line?
What useful information may be found in Pilot Books under the heading 'Directions'?
Exercise 2. Explain what is understood by
a vessel from eastward; Fill in
a vessel bound for S.; Fill in
a vessel with local knowledge; Fill in
a vessel from westward; Fill in
an object seen from seaward; Fill in
a vessel without local knowledge; Fill in
a vessel from northward. Fill in
Exercise 3. Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose them from the following list
clear of leads pass attempt < span align = "justify"> if
bound be rounded with local knowledge be attempted span>
1. C. is let bearing 023 В° from seaward, between the dangers on either side.
2. Owing to the strength of the tidal streams navigation should only