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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Professional sea English language

Реферат Professional sea English language

align="justify"> at

or near the time of slack water.

If for C. passage, S. islets should at not less than 2 cables. Vessels with can enter between the islets. No vessel should to enter without local knowledge. Course may be altered to the NE the banks. A vessel should not between Seven Stones and the light-vessel.

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences with suitable information from the text 'Directions'. Mind modal verbs 'should', 'may1,' must'where necessary

Two conspicuous objects brought in line from seaward __. A ship passing through narrow channels by special instructions.

3. A vessel approaching some port two conspicuous objects in line

from seaward.

For ships proceeding from different directions several courses . Conspicuous landmarks are used to show .

Exercise 5. Read the extracts from the Pilot Books

. Passage (a) describes the route which was used by HMS Warrior in September 1954.the passage and decide whether the following recommendations correspond to the Directions given in the passage. Correct the false recommendations

From a position 5 miles S. of Madge Bank steer to a position 19 miles N of Mui Ba Kiem. From a position 19 miles S. of M.B.K. steer 080 В° between Banc Rivier and Torcy Bank. From a position 5 miles N. of M.B. steer 080 "between B.R. and T.B, Steer 080 В° until about the meridian of 108 В° 50 '. From a position about the meridian of 108 В° 50 * steer to the NE. This course will lead clear of the banks and dangerous wrecks. The banks and wrecks extend SSW from Pointe Lagan.

(a) Directions.ТИ following route, coastwise from Sai Gon NE was used by HMS Warrior in September 1954 on several occasions.a position 19 miles S of Mui Ba Kiem (6.10), steer 055 В° to a position 5 miles N of Madge Bank, thence steer 080 В° between Banc Rivier and Torcy Bank until about the meridian of 108 В° 50 'E, when course may be altered to the NE clear of the banks and dangerous wrecks extending SSE from Pointe Lagan.6, Answer these questions

From what position should a vessel steer 080 В°? How long should a vessel steer 055 В°? When may course be altered to the NE? In what direction do the banks and dangerous wrecks extend from Points Lagan? By what ship was this route used in September 1954? What country did the ship belong to?

Exercise 7. Passage (b) describes recommendations how to enter Kyuquot channel. (K. ch.) Read the passage and answer these questions

. May vessels enter K. channel without local knowledge in clear weather?

At what distance from Barrier islands should vessels proceed when approaching from south-eastward? At what distance should the dangers be avoided when approaching from westward? What recommendations are given to a vessel entering the channel?

(b) Directions. No vessel should attempt to enter Kyuquot channel, without local knowledge, except in clear weather.

In approaching from south-eastward, Barrier islands should be given a berth of at least 1 lA miles, and in approaching from westward, the dangers southward of Thornton islands should be given a berth of at least one mile.vessel entering the channel should brin g the summit of Whiteley island to ...

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