Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Програмне забезпечення обліку медичних препаратів на складі

Реферат Програмне забезпечення обліку медичних препаратів на складі

p align="justify">}




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*author Humanity

*/class ProductRepository {EntityManager entityManager; String GetAllProductsQuery= select p from Product p raquo ;; ProductRepository (EntityManager entityManager) {.entityManager=entityManager;

} List lt; Product gt; GetAllProducts () {query=entityManager.createQuery (GetAllProductsQuery); query.getResultList ();

} Product GetProductById (int productId) {product=entityManager.find (Product.class, productId); product;

} boolean InsertProduct (Product product) {t=entityManager.getTransaction () ;. begin (); {. merge (product);

//entityManager.persist (product) ;. commit (); true;

} catch (Exception ex) {.rollback (); false;


} void UpdateProduct (Product product) {t=entityManager.getTransaction () ;. begin (); {. refresh (product) ;. flush () ;. commit ();

} catch (Exception ex) {.rollback ();


} void DeleteProduct (int productId) {t=entityManager.getTransaction () ;. begin (); {Product=GetProductById (productId) ;. remove (Product) ;. flush () ;. commit ();

} catch (Exception ex) {.rollback ();





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*author Humanity

*/class ShipmentRepository {EntityManager entityManager; String GetAllShipmentsQuery= select s from Shipment s raquo ;; String GetShipmentsForProductQuery= select s from Shipment s where s.productid.id =% 1 $ d ; String GetShipmentsForPersonQuery= select s from Shipment s where s.responsiblepersonid.id =% 1 $ d raquo ;; String GetShipmentsForPersonAndProductQuery=

select s from Shipment s where s.responsiblepersonid.id =% 1 $ d and s.productid.id =% 2 $ d raquo ;; ShipmentRepository (EntityManager entityManager) {.entityManager=entityManager;

} List lt; Shipment gt; GetAllShipments () {query=entityManager.createQuery (GetAllShipmentsQuery); query.getResultList ();

} Shipment GetShipmentById (int shipmentId) {shipment=entityManager.find (Shipment.class, shipmentId); shipment;

} List lt; Shipment gt; GetShipmentForProduct (int productId) {query=entityManager.createQuery (String.format (GetShipmentsForProductQuery, productId)); query.getResultList ();

} List lt; Shipment gt; GetShipmentForPerson (int personId) {query=entityManager.createQuery (String.format (GetShipmentsForPersonQuery, personId)); query.getResultList ();

} List lt; Shipment gt; GetShipmentList (int personId, int productId) {(productId == 0) {(personId == 0) {GetAllShipments ();

} else {GetShipmentForPerson (personId);


} else {(personId == 0) {GetShipmentForProduct (productId);

} else {query=entityManager.createQuery (String.format (GetShipmentsForPersonAndProductQuery, personId, productId)); query.getResultList ();



} boolean InsertShipment (Shipment shipment) {p=StockDatabase.getInstance().getProducts().GetProductById(shipment.getProductid().getId());(shipment.getQuantity() lt; 0 amp; amp; .getQuantityinstock () lt; Math.abs (shipment.getQuantity ())) {

//trying to take TOO MUCH from stock ... false;

} finalQuantity=p.getQuantityinstock () + shipment.getQuantity () ;. setQuantityinstock (finalQuantity); t=entityManager.getTransaction (); {.begin () ;. persist (shipment) ;. persist (p);

//entityManager.flush () ;. commit (); true;

} catch (Exception ex) {.rollback (); false;


} void UpdateShipment (Shipment ...

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