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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Лексичні способи вираження авторської оцінки англомовної кінорецензії

Реферат Лексичні способи вираження авторської оцінки англомовної кінорецензії

arrative is essential to this more EQ-driven approach, though it s also a more predictable - even conservative - route than that taken by the original film, which effectively wrote the family out of the picture, instead placing the emotional burden of recognition on his spunky female partner. Zetumer and Padilha s modernization of the RoboCop mythos doesn t extend to feminism: Though played with some steel by Cornish, Clara has no identity or agency beyond her marriage to Murphy, while more coldly high-powered roles for Marianne Jean-Baptiste and Jennifer Ehle (both excellent) are hardly flattering.

lt; ... gt ;. Best in show, handily, is Oldman, whose tender ruefulness as Norton does a good deal of the film s emotional legwork.

lt; ... gt ;. The new RoboCop hits on a compromise: The degree of direct onscreen gore is sufficiently modest to ensure a PG - 13 rating, but the clammy, on-the-ground atmosphere conjured by Padilha and Lula Carvalho s restlessly roving camera feels both urgent and adult. lt; ... gt; .the design front, the updates to the familiar RoboCop iconography are respectful but sleekly streamlined. Gone are the endearingly clunky robot effects of the original film, as all the machinery here - including, of course, that all-important suit, here given a slight Daft Punk accent - exudes contempo architectural glamour. Uniformly solid visual-effects work is most arresting in the lab scenes that show what remains of Murphy without his armor - a reveal that leads one to wonder, at least fleetingly, how a David Cronenberg RoboCop remake might play out.

«Ріо 2» («Rio 2») for Film (Angus Wolfe Murray) original Rio had a lot going for it. The story was not bad. At least, it moved about a bit, with birdnappers in the city creating a frisson of excitement.

lt; ... gt; .thinks that he and his lady, Jewel, and their three chicks, now growing into cheeky American kids (birds), are the last of their breed. But he discovers from a clip on TV News that others exist along the Amazon.film is about family roots, where you come from, where you belong. On their return to South America Jewel has a toe curling reunion with her father, while Blu is treated as an outsider, a human pet.of sentimentality clog up the works to such an extent that even the synchronised flying sequences and cheesy ballads from the Simon Cowell songbook can not stave off waves of nausea. As the film sinks into a morass of sugary fizz a serious question bursts to the surface: are children really interested in emotional cohesion within communities? Don t they want action? Is a game, a kind of midair football, between The Blues and The Reds, but that s about it until near the end when the real villains, the loggers, turn up with their monster machines and army of chainsawers.relief is provided by traditional goofy oddballs, but they don t cut it. Even the bad tempered cockatoo, Nigel, is back, behaving like a disabled luvvie who can t fly.is this going? Don t ask. It s already gone.Flick Filosopher (MaryAnn Johanson) the hell anyone thinks kids would be interested in the marital happiness of a bird boy is beyond me. But this is what passes for a children s movie these days: a 1950s sitcom drawn in pretty tropical CGI colors with a few mostly forgettable songs tossed in. Nerd bird Blu (the voice of Jesse Eisenberg: Now You See Me, The Social Network) was happy when last we saw him, at the end of the stridently mediocre Rio, and clearly that could not stand. So here, in the oh-so-creatively entitled Rio 2, lt; ... gt;.! But Blu s sitcom-ish trials are many, and tedious, and nothing you haven t seen a hundred times before. He is a civilized city bird who does not travel without his GPS and his toothbrush, and there s bugs and stuff in the jungle: yuck. And what s this? lt; ... gt; which means that Blu will be subject to a barrage of abuse about how Blu is not a suitable mate for Eduardo s daughter. lt; ... gt ;. (Bizarrely, Jewel s sitcom-wacky Aunt Mimi [the voice of Rita Moreno: King of the Corner, West Side Story] disappears almost as soon as she is introduced. Returning screenwriters Don Rhymer lt; ... gt ;, the latter of whom also is also returning as director, have obviously fallen down on the job.)

lt; ... gt ;. By the time Blu muttered, A happy wife is a happy life for the third - or was it the fourth?- Time, I thought, Stop being such damn doormat. Is this a lesson we want little boys to learn? Ugh. (See? Conventional, conservative values ??are no better for boys and men than they are for girls and women.) Villainous Nigel the cockatoo (the marvelous voice of Jemaine Clement: Muppets Most Wanted, Men in Black III) returns as well, and he is the most sympathetic character here. As we are reintroduced to him, he is being held captive by a human and for...

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