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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Лексичні способи вираження авторської оцінки англомовної кінорецензії

Реферат Лексичні способи вираження авторської оцінки англомовної кінорецензії

ced to do tricks for tourists to earn the human money. His destructive escape is a happy bit of vengeance. The best bit in the whole flick is the wonderfully demented sequence in which Nigel s sidekick, poisonous frog Gabi (the glorious voice of Kristin Chenoweth: Four Christmases, Space Chimps), sings of her tragic love for Nigel ... tragic because the toxin her skin exudes means she can never touch him.villains pop up, too: loggers clear-cutting the forest for shits, giggles, and greed. The birds fight back. If Rio 2 gets kids interested in ecology and conservation, I can hold my nose and let the rest of it slide. But why should I have to? The tiniest application of effort could have given us a story that doesn t feel like a reject from Everybody Loves Raymond or The King of Queens. Won t someone think of the children?

«Таємне життя Волтера Мітті» («The Secret Life of Walter Mitty») Reviews (Robin and Laura Clifford) could make a compelling argument that The Secret Life of Walter Mitty does what a good remake should do:it takes the essential premise of the original and, while retaining some of the names and touchstones of its predecessor, moves in a new direction. Viewed from that standpoint, Ben Stiller s The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is both familiar and fresh. Fans of the +1947 classic won t feel marooned by a filmmaker with no affection for the original nor will they believe they re watching an inferior carbon copy. Unfortunately, where The Secret Life of Walter Mitty lets down its audience is with a flaccid narrative. It s hard to pinpoint the cause of the problem, but Walter s story never engages. His adventures seem perfunctory. The movie comes to life when stars Ben Stiller (who plays Walter) and Kristin Wiig (who plays his love interest, Cheryl) share the screen but it s less engrossing during the long globetrotting sequences that have Walter on the trail of hotshot photographer Sean O Connell (Sean Penn) the underlying premise of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty too innocent for a 2 013 film? lt; ... gt ;. most enjoyable parts of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty are his fantasies, such as one in which he stands up to his boss in a way he never would in real life. The actual adventure arc, which takes up more than half the movie s running length and transports Walter to Greenland, Iceland, and Afghanistan, is more like a travelogue with a couple of action/adventure set pieces. The scenery is beautiful but the story seems to be spinning its wheels. The objective is to get Walter to experience life before he catches up to Sean but there are a lot of sequences when the movie seems to be stalling for time.Stiller, who chaperoned this movie out of development hell and all the way to the big screen , has the perfect everyman quality to play Walter. The only other big-name actor I could see in this role is Tom Hanks from about a decade ago. Kristen Wiig tones down some of her more annoying comedic mannerisms to present an attractive and appealing Cheryl. lt; ... gt ;. They're cute.

lt; ... gt ;. In fact, as the film moves toward its climax, he vanishes from the story. It s an odd choice and I m not sure it works.word old fashioned can be used to describe The Secret Life of Walter Mitty; unfortunately, that s not necessarily the kind of description that will translate into box office success. This is a moderately enjoyable but largely forgettable confection. It s being marketed as a family film but young children with short attention spans will probably be bored. Stiller deserves credit for remaining true to the spirit of the original; unfortunately, he fails to recapture the magic and that makes the +2013 iteration of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty only fitfully satisfying.New York Times (AO Scott)

lt; ... gt ;. Workplace bullies might make fun of him, mocking his nerdy clothes and self-effacing manner, but from the start this Walter is, for the audience, a magnet for our sympathy. Not Thurber s feckless Everyman or Kaye s holy fool, but a sad, decent guy in need of protection and love. s wild bouts of invention - he pictures himself leaping through the window of a burning building, tearing through the streets of Manhattan on a wild action-movie chase and doing other superhero-type stuff - represent some of the adventure he has sacrificed in a life of duty and drudgery. Employed in the photography department at Life magazine, he has a crush on a co-worker named Cheryl (Kristen Wiig, with her natural silliness in check and an adorable habit of crinkling up her nose) and a big problem with the new bosses, a squad of bearded, skinny-suited tech jerks led by Adam Scott.relic of the analog world, Walter is in danger of being downsized out of a job as the magazine prepares its final print edition. lt; ... gt ;. Following cryptic clues (which Cheryl helps him de...

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