y Dr.Symbalist. I was called at my home raquo ;, Bartlet said, and Dr. Symbalist told me he suspected a perforated ulcer. The symptoms he decided tallied with this diagnose. (P. 29) .looked over his notes. Raquo; I saw the patient myself approximately half an hour later. He had severe upper abdominal pain and was in shock. Blood pressure was seventy over forty. He was ashen grey and cold sweat. I ordered a transfusion to comdat shock and also morphine. Physically the abdomen was rigid and there was rebound tenderness (p.29) .has been discovered in the hospital, he announced. Dr.Chandler has reported 2 cases and there are 4 more suspected. We have an epidemic on our hands and we have to find the source. [Haily; 267] nurse said, By the way, Doctor, the baby s umbilical cord has been cut shot. Iwonderedifyouknewthat. Raquo; [Haily; 250]
What's the story, Reub?
The story is that I admitted Mrs Bryan for possible carcinoma of thebreast I removed a tumor. It turned to be benign. Raquo; [Haily; 66]
Give me the details raquo ;. Hunched over the binocular microscope, Dr. Pearson half grunted the words to Roger McNeil. [Haily; 101] he wrote on the top form Elizabeth said, «I meant to tell you, Doctor. I'm Rhnegative, and my husbandis Rhpositive ». [Haily; 119]
З вище зазначених прикладів ми бачимо, що у творі Артура Хейлі медична лексика використовується у великих кількостях. Вживання медичної лексики наочним чином створює реалістично-професійну обстановку, в якій працюють персонажі.
2.2 Аналіз професійної лексики у творі
У ході дослідження було виявлено наступне кількість використаних термінологічних і професійних одиниць.
Найбільш частотний термін - іменник - «pathologist», в даному тексті був вжитий 52 рази, 17 з них - у діалогічної мови.
Також часто вживалися такі термінологічні одиниці як: «pathology» - 47 разів, з них 22 - в діалозі;
«cancer» - 23 рази, 9 - у діалогічної мови;
«tumor» - 23 випадки вживання, 7 изних - вречі персонажів; the end of it the pathologist took his bishop and, swooping down the board, removed an opposing pawn. [Haily; 168] was studying the slides again. He mumbled, as a lot of pathologists did when they were mentally crossing off some factors and confirming others. [Haily; 103] asked, «There s still a need for a lot of doctors in pathology, isn t there?»
«Oh yes.» Coleman nodded emphatically. «Perhaps more in pathology than anywhere else.» [Haily; 185]
«You will prevent cancer by psychiatry and gout by applied psychology.» She zipped the brief case, then added lightly, «as you may guess, I am quoting.» [Haily; 163] patient was a widow, and the immediate cause of death was cancer of the breast. [Haily; 81]
У досліджуваному тексті 4 терміна - прикметників і 48 випадків вживання. Найбільш частотними є терміни - прикметники, які називають тематичну групу ракових захворювань. Це такі, як «malignant» - 23 випадки вживання і «benign» - 20случаев вживання.
If, later, the verdict was benign, it was true she would have suffered fear unneedfully. [Haily; 161] to the O.R. schedule, they should be starting now. If Pathology worked fast the answer might be known by tomorrow. With fervor at once incongruous and real he found himself praying: Oh, God! Please, God, let it be benign! [Haily; 136] were eight slides, and Coleman studied each in turn. He knew at once why Pearson had asked him for an opinion. This was a hairline case, as difficult as any came. At the end he said, «My opinion is benign.»
«I think it is malignant,» Pearson said quietly. «Osteogenic sacroma».
It was the perennial question which all pathologists had to face: was a lesion proliferating, as a natural process to fill a gap in the body s defenses? Or was it proliferating because it was a neoplasm and therefore malignant? Malignant or benign? It was so easy to be wrong, but all one could do was to weigh the evidence and judge accordingly. [Haily; 157], on the other hand, if, two days from now, the pathology report said malignant, amputation would become vitally urgent. [Haily; 161]
Терміни - дієслова.
У досліджуваному тексті 4 терміна - дієслова і 7 случаевупотребленія, з них 2 - в діалогічної мови.
Outside the hospital the citizens of Burlington, Pennsylvania, perspired under a ninety-degree shade temperature with 78 per cent humidity [p.5] emphasized the word «apparently» - died of coronary thrombosis [p. 21]
«Palpate the lungs, Sed...