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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Economy of the United States of America

Реферат Economy of the United States of America

ston, Buffalow). In the West Phoenix, Los Angeles concern number of the large centres engine-building in the aerospace  industry Sacramento.ship-building industry of the country undergoes the period of long stagnation. Building of the military ships both on private shipyards, and on shipyards of Naval Forces of the country has the considerable sizes only. The basic types of the floated military ships - aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, patrol ships. The largest shipyards of the private companies at the Atlantic coast the countries are located in Newport-Njuse (state of Virginia, firm «Newport-news ship-building and dry dock») and Gronte (the State of Connecticut, the firm «General dynamics ») - the leading centre of designing and building of nuclear submarines; large shipyards are available also in Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. At coast of Gulf of Mexico (Mississipi), New Orleans and Mobile (Alabama); at the Pacific coast large shipyards are in San Francisco, Seattle, San Diego, Los Angeles.of the basic branches of a machine engineering industry of the USA - the general mechanical engineering - represents in essence the whole conglomerate of various branches. The American statistics includes the machine-tool constructing and tool industry, agricultural mechanical engineering, manufacture in the general mechanical engineering and hoisting-and-transport mechanisms, the process equipment for polygraphic, food, light and other industries, manufacture of turbines and internal combustion engines, the trading and municipal equipment, office equipment, the various common industrial equipment (including bearings, pumps and compressors, power transmissions, industrial furnaces etc.). The general mechanical engineering - the most traditional branch of a machine engineering industry of the country; the general drawing of its placing throughout many decades is conservative also. On a share of industrial states of the North it is necessary about 80% of all occupied in branch; including over 40% Ohio and Michigan concentrates in Lake - districts, mainly in Illinois.quickly growing branch of mechanical engineering of the USA - manufacture of radio-electronic equipment and a communication facility. According to the shipments of the electronic equipment the USA 3-4 times advance the basic competitors - Japan and Germany. share of the American firms is 40% of all manufacture of the computers in the developed countries. Prevalence of the USA in release of the computers industrial and military-oriented is especially sufficient; at the same time in manufacture of household electronics the American companies do not maintain a competition to Japanese and other South Asian countries, in some cases even in home market.

The radio-electronic industry takes places on country territory as a whole a little in regular more intervals, than other large branches mechanical engineering. Chicago, New York, Boston concern the major centres of the radio-electronic industry of the countryThe largest enterprise for release of the computers the firm International business machines »is located in Pockipsy (New York), the telephone and cable equipment of firm« Western the electrician »- in Chicagoemical industry is along with mechanical engineering is one of leading industries of the USA. On the rates of growth the chemical industry considerably advances a manufacturing industry as a whole, conceding only to radio electronics. Manufacture of chemical production in the USA doubles for each 10-12 years. Technical progress promoted sharp increase in demand at synthetic chemicals with in advance set properties, first of all on polymeric materials (chemical fibres, plastic, synthetic pitches) which mostly are synthesised on the basis of petrochemical raw materials. Value of some technical gases (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and its connections, helium), processes used for an intensification in metallurgy and chemical technology, in the form of components rocket fuel, for space research etc. has sharply amplified for last years

The South enterprises make over half of all technical chemicals developed in the country (that is the chemical semiproducts arriving for the further processing within the same branch or used in other industries, in building and on transport), 60% of polymeric materials, over 50% of fertilizers and pesticides etc., that is rather cheap and large-tonnage products.

The north where the overwhelming part of the population of the USA is concentrated and the enterprises of a manufacturing industry of the country, remains the basic area of ??manufacture and consumption of chemicals in the USA. However about 60% made in the north of chemical production (in cost expression) make ready to the use low-tonnage and expensive chemicals: medicines, soap and washing-up liquids, perfumery-cosmetic products, dyes. The most part of ...

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