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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Economy of the United States of America

Реферат Economy of the United States of America

h years of 20 centuries in the USA development of nuclear power was sharply accelerated. The basic areas of concentration of the atomic power plants - the Northeast centre and the South Atlantic states. But now the atomic power plants locate on country territory already in regular more intervals and basically tend to large industrially-city agglomerations.

The important feature of location of a manufacturing industry of the USA - practically universal strengthening of rates of its suburbanization, that is the shift of industrial production from the central parts of agglomerations in their residential suburbs. Here the factories demanding the big floor spaces and the developed infrastructure (automobile, aviation, cement, chemical, oil refining, heavy mechanical engineering etc.), as a rule, take places .. To the factors which are pushing out the industry in suburbs, concern: higher price for the ground areas in the central parts of city agglomerations, necessity of creation of extensive platforms for parking of cars (the area of ??such parking near new factories come nearer in the sizes to the area of ??the enterprise), action of laws on preservation of the environment in cities, «crisis of the big cities» where the central parts are overpopulated by rather poor population.machine engineering industry enterprises locates on country territory extremely non-uniformly - more than 60% of them are located in the industrial centers of the North and at Pacific coast, and the share of these areas in cost of the production makes 80%. The major centers of mechanical engineering and metal working of the USA: Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Boston, Saint Louis, Milwaukee, Dallas - Fort Worth on which share it is necessary over 40% conditionally-net production mechanical engineering and metal working.largest branchtransport mechanical engineering of the USA - motor industry. Cars - the basic vehicle for one million Americans, and cargo automobile transportations take the important place in transport to country system. In manufacture of cars, their sale and commercial operation it is occupied about 20 million persons, that is every sixth working American direct or indirect is connected with motor industry. Release of cars is in the USA at high level; however this branch is extremely subjected to tactical fluctuations and recessions which directly affect both motor industry, and allied industries: metallurgical, chemical and a rubber industry, machine-tool construction etc., causing lack of capacities and unemployment. In the American market the competition from foreign cars delivered mainly by Japan and Germany grows. The successful competition of these cars was promoted by an energy crisis and sharp increase of the prices for fuel.industry - one of the most monopolised branches of mechanical engineering of the USA. The share of the big three »-of the concerns« General motors », Ford laquo ;, and Crysler - Is about 97% of national manufacture of automobile and 85% of lorries. Outside of the USA these monopolies supervise almost 25% of world production of cars.motor industry placing considerable concentration of manufacture in Lake-districts - 60% of conditionally-net production branch is typical. Only to one State of Michigan belong over 30% of production of the motor industry which basic part is developed in Detroit and its vicinities, and also in nearby cities Flint, Lansing and Ann Arbor. So considerable concentration of motor industry in the south of Michigan is explained by the wealth of area with qualified personnel, the metallurgical, metal cutting and machine-tool constructing enterprises, a favourable geographical position in centre Lake-districts, a capacious commodity market, and also historical traditions. However the tendency which has outlined still to 2 world war to expanding car assembly factories and to their approach to peripheral commodity markets amplifies.aviation industry of the country - which has grown in days of 2 world wars, with development of military rocket production and expansion of space programs to the USA has turned in essence to new branch of the industry. Aviarocket monopolies Makdonnel-Duglas laquo ;, Boeing" ,« Rockwell »,« Hughes aircraft », for many years take the first places in the sizes of the governmental military orders and represent a basis of a military-industrial complex of the USA. The appreciable place in the country aircraft industries occupies release of the civil aviation vehicles, including liners, easy planes, the helicopters which considerable part is exported.area this industry - is the Pacific coast with the main centres Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego, San Jose. Over 60% of all manufacture of aviation engines, the devices, completing knots and details it is concentrated to the Industrial East of the USA (the basic centres - Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Hartford, New York, Bo...

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