Теми рефератів
> Реферати > Курсові роботи > Звіти з практики > Курсові проекти > Питання та відповіді > Ессе > Доклади > Учбові матеріали > Контрольні роботи > Методички > Лекції > Твори > Підручники > Статті Контакти
Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Гра "Vertolet"

Реферат Гра "Vertolet"


outtextxy (158,138, text);

delay (30000);


procedure ni;

var cc: char;

bb: integer;

s: string [8];



setcolor (6);

bb: = 220;

s: ='';

setfillstyle (1,1);

outtextxy (100,60, 'Will enter your name:');

bar (200,220,400,280);

settextstyle (1,0,5);


cc: = readkey;

if (ord (cc) <> 75) and (Ord (cc) <> 72) {and (ord (cc) <> 77)} and (ord (cc) <> 80) then

s: = s + cc;

nik: = s;

outtextxy (bb, 230, nik);

outtextxy (bb +2,230, nik);

until ord (cc) = 13;

setfillstyle (1,0);



procedure lev (text, text1: string);


settextstyle (1,0,9);

setcolor (4);

outtextxy (150,140, ​​text);

outtextxy (152,142, text);

outtextxy (158,138, text);

delay (10000),

setcolor (0);

outtextxy (150,140, ​​text),

outtextxy (152,142, text);

outtextxy (158,138, text);

setcolor (5);

setfillstyle (1,12),

bar (505,15,525,65);

setfillstyle (1,0);

settextstyle (4,0,5);

outtextxy (505,15, text1);


function game (sd: boolean): word;

const left = # 75;

right = # 77;

up = # 72;

down = # 80;



fon: = 0;

plus: = 0;

yr: = 3;

schet: = 0; a: = 120; d: = 240; verx: = 460; niz: = 125; kk: = 300; ll: = 350; z: = 580; v: = 880; l: = 680; k: = 780;

i: = 980; ii: = 400; vv: = 200; zz: = 150; p: = 0; pp: = 640; level: = 1; vert (a, d, 4);



och: = '70 ';




bonn: = random (150) +300;



setcolor (0);

if (plus <70) and (ord (t) = 32) then begin

setcolor (12);

outtextxy (50,35, och);

setcolor (red);

str (pl, och); outtextxy (50,35, och);

og (a-3, d-9); plus: = plus +1; end;

pl: = 70-plus;

if ((getpixel (a-2, d) = 0) or (Getpixel (a-2, d) = 1)) and ((getpixel (a +43, d +7) = 0) or (getpixel (a +43, d +7) = 1))

and ((getpixel (a +26, d +20) = 0) or (Getpixel (a +26, d +20) = 1)) and

((getpixel (a +36, d +20) = 0) or (Getpixel (a +36, d +20) = 1)) and ((getpixel (a +42, d-7) = 0) or (Getpixel (a +42, d-7) = 1))

and ((getpixel (a +18, d-7) = 0) or (Getpixel (a +18, d-7) = 1)) and

((getpixel (a-1, d-5) = 0) or (Getpixel (a-1, d-5) = 1))

then p> begin

if (getpixel (a +43, d +7) = 1) or (Getpixel (a-1, d-5) = 1) or (getpixel (a +36, d +20) = 1)

or (getpixel (a +42, d-7) = 1) or (Getpixel (a-2, d) = 1) then

begin schet: = schet +500; inc (aw); putimage (v-50, vv +80, barer3 ^, 0); end;

text: = nik;




text: = 'GAME OVER';

settextstyle (1,0,9);

if sd = true then begin sound (100); delay (6000); nosound; end;

vert (a, d, fon);

delay (200);

ogon (a, d, 1);

if sd = true then begin sound (50); delay (6000); nosound; end;

delay (1000);

outtextxy (60,140, ​​text);

outtextxy (62,142, text);

outtextxy (68,138, text);

delay (15000);



Score (schet, nik);


b: = keypressed;

if b = true then t: = readkey;

settextstyle (1,0,3);

setcolor (white);

setbkcolor (fon);

setfillstyle (9,7);

case t of

right: a: = a +5; left: a: = a-5; up: d: = d-5; down : D: = d +5;

's': begin d: = d +15; a: = a; end;

'w': begin d: = d-15; a: = a; end;

'`': begin read (cod); if cod = 'money' then begin schet: = schet +2000; cod: =''; t: = 'y'; end; end;

']': begin read (cod1); if cod1 = 'bonus' then begin plus: = plus-1000; cod1: =''; t: = 'y'; end; end;


if z> (yr * 2) then z: = z-yr else begin z: = 640; zz: = (460-random (355)) end;

if v> (yr * 2) then v: = v-yr else begin v: = 640; vv: = (460-random (355)) end;

if k> (yr * 2) then k: = k-yr else begin k: = 640; kk: = (460-random (355)) end;

if l> (yr * 2) then l: = l-yr else begin l: = 640; ll: = (460-random (355)) end;

if i> (yr * 2) then i: = i-yr else begin i: = 640; ii: = (460-random (355)) end;

if a <6 then a: = 6;

if d

if a> 594 then a: = 594;

if d> verx-1 then d: = verx-1;

if sd = true then begin s...

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