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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The Russian transition to a market system

Реферат The Russian transition to a market system

ed on a combination of market and state prices. The state sets the prices of the most important kinds of strategic products and services. Exercise tight control of the monetary system. At the same time attach great importance to private sector development, particularly in retail trade and services sectors. Production and sales of approximately are half of all goods by market constraints and prices. A proliferation of commodity is exchanges.1992, it embarked on the establishment of mixed forms of ownership. In this case, public ownership remains dominant. It allowed corporatization of state ownership, attracting foreign capital, a merger of enterprises of different ownership forms.a result of the reforms in China has formed a two-sector model of the economy. Market mechanisms were the main regulators in the production of consumer goods and largely cover the production of investment goods. At the same time the State has not waived and the planned management practices. Until now, there are policy plans and the planned provision of material resources.9

Reforms have led to significant economic growth in China. The average annual GDP growth rate is about 10%. Since the early 80's. China has already entered the top ten countries in the world and in the next few years to catch up with advanced Western countries. The country has a relatively low unemployment. In society there is no social upheaval. Raising living standards is particularly noticeable in agricultural areas. Thanks to the "open economy" foreign trade volumes have increased five-fold increased exports. It created quite a large sector of the economy, foreign-owned., In China, there are quite a few serious problems. "Narrow" place in the economy remains the public sector. Here, approximately 40% of enterprises are unprofitable, there are due to subsidies. Many experts see a way out of the inevitability of privatization, but it will cause social upheaval.experience suggests that the key to solving the problems should be written not so much the pace of market reforms, as in 1913 the concept of these changes in their quality of certainty and direction.general, summing up, we emphasize that in Russia, foreign experience is necessary, but to develop and reform the economy should be based on domestic specifics on the historic traditions and socio-political mentality, manifested in the pursuit of social justice, mutual collegiality of the Russian people.

Chapter 2. Strategic reference points of long-term economic development

2.1 Strategic reference points of long-term social and economic development

In the middle of this decade in Russia largely completed the transition to a market economic system.system of basic legal norms and other institutions to ensure the functioning of market relations between economic entities. Earned competitive markets for...

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