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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

Реферат Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

d actions that are performed when the threat and occurrence of natural disasters, major accidents, disasters, and the translation of civil defense of peace to a state of war, according metho-cal recommendations Ukraine PM.of copies of civil defense plan represents the number of control points, and in the organs, institutions, tax police, schools, volume max В¬ CO - by the decision of the DPP head, but at least two.and financial support of civil defense measures. support of civil defense in the tax police in Ukraine - a complex organizational, technical, legal and other measures to a continuous supply of organs and departments of Interior, interior troops and convoy protection, personnel, special contingent of the necessary tools and assets under threat and emerged В¬ tion emergencies.need for material resources, technology and special types of property is determined by the tax police of Ukraine, acquisition and management software is military and logistical support of the tax police in Ukraine. To this end, developed and approved by order of the President of the STA membership rules of basic kinds of logistical resources and assets, namely:

Personal anti-gas protection (masks, respirators, protective suits, coats, individual anti-gas kits, etc.);

Collective protection (equipment for storage and protyradia-traditional shelter);

Control points of the protected work space, appropriate equipment, property and documents;

Autonomous power sources;

Svitlomaskuvalnyh means for buildings and transport;

Communication and notification;

Radiation devices and chemical detection and radiation monitoring;

The training and material resources (equipment and materials for training classes DPP). ensure personnel safety equipment, dosimetry devices, real estate, medical drugs, pro В¬ food products and other property in the event of accidents at nuclear power plants and other emergencies in peacetime and wartime, the tax police of Ukraine, UTM, departments PM creates a mobilization reserve. Monitoring the accumulation and storage of CO property carried the heads of relevant departments of the tax police.support of civil defense measures are:

Planning and organization of repair technicians who came down during the tasks GO;

Organization of maintenance equipment;

Evacuate damaged vehicles routes and areas rescue and other urgent works on stationary automobile maintenance and assembly points damaged vehicles;

Ensuring the bodies and institutions of the Interior and repair enterprises spare parts.objectives of transportation measures CO are:

Planning of transportation emergency situations this;

Preparation of vehicles for...

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