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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

Реферат Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

their intended use;

Organization of a sustainable transport involved in evacuation and other transportfor civil defense units tax police Ukrainethe main control, management and tax police units Ukraine relies ::

. Organization and planning of civil defense measures in subordinate servi-bang and monitoring of the work of subordinate bodies, institutions, and divisions of the tax police. p align="justify">. Development of typical civil defense plans for subordinate services with characteris-ACTORY their tasks and functions in civil defense. p align="justify">. Development and implementation of measures for sustainable functioning of subordinate services, protection of employees and their families. p align="justify">. Ensuring continuous service readiness subordinates to act in over В¬ ordinary situations peace and wartime. p align="justify">. Organization warning employees about the threat or emergency situations and commissioning stages of readiness. p align="justify">. Assessment of the situation prevailing in subordinate services as a result of above-normal situations, and activities in emergency response and recovery activities of subordinate units in the organs, agencies, institutions, tax police. p align="justify">. Rozro6ka and submission to the established order of the draft plans of civil defense measures that require capital investments and material tech В¬ night means; overseeing their implementation. p align="justify">. Development and implementation of measures to evacuate employees and family members from areas damage emergencies. p align="justify">. Guidance on the establishment of subordinate objects of civil defense and the organization of training. p align="justify">. Training on civilian defense employees, workers and employees. p align="justify">. Control over the means of individual personnel-tion protection devices radiation, chemical detection and radiation monitoring in accordance with the norms of belonging attendance, as well as state and organization STORAGE В¬ rihannya the property. p align="justify">. Organization and implementation of interaction with other sectoral ministries services in civil defense. p align="justify">. Development of measures to improve sustainability management services in subordinate bodies, institutions, tax police in these situations extraor В¬ peaceful and wartime deployments including spare (country) control points, identifying settlements employees paragraphs В¬ tah management and distribution of ministries between management functions.

. The organization in its field of analytical and research work В¬ you to develop issues and the formulation of optimal solutions, creating algorithms actions the units of the tax police in emergency situations of war and peace in the performance of civil defense tasks. p align="justify">. Compile and disseminate best practices organization, the preparation and implement...

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