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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

Реферат Вдосконалення системи менеджменту ПІДПРИЄМСТВА

mage and limit access to these areas of population and transport.the event of an emergency NF public order DPP participate in the evacuation of people and property from damage centers, public venues and rescue and other emergency operations, the maintenance of law and order in places of temporary stay evakonaselennya, protection of business entities and objects utilities, keeping rezhymnoobmezhuvalnyh measures when entering quarantine (or observation), health limits zones of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological contamination, maintaining law and order in food places, food and clothing of the victim population.massive forest, peat, steppe and man -made hazardous objects (NPP, petroleum, chemical industry, etc.) fires nevoyenizovanni formation of public order DPP participate in reporting population using zvukomovnyh installations, conducting emergency evacuation and removal of material values?? accompanying evakokolony, the protection of public order, prevention and prevention of cases of looting and theft of property, protection of borders zones fires prevention in these areas of population and traffic and other activities.of non-military public order CO powered willingness to address the chief civil defense region (city of regional subordination) , territorial management of emergencies and civil protection or civil defense chief business entity.of non-military public order CO are usually with the forces of public order service MIA of Ukraine or civil defense forces (Commandant companies, platoons), and under their leadership.

. Planning civil defense measures in the tax militia units

Planning for civil defense is an important part of the training bodies and institutions of the tax police to act in extreme situations peace and wartime.purpose of planning - the maximum reduction of human and material losses, achieving clear and timely action personnel, workers, employees, special contingent in the event of natural disasters, accidents, and in wartime.for CO in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine, Civil Defence Headquarters Ukraine, order, direction Tax Police of Ukraine with local (dislocation near the plant, chemically hazardous facilities, flood, etc.). of the planning availability zones catastrophic CO relies on units of staff on civil defense, and in their absence - the Chairman-В¬ nicks civil defense. By planning these events involved officials of industry services and departments.Ukraine PM system developed plans:

Basic steps to prepare civil defense. This plan develop-lyayetsya annually, according to organizational guidelines Staff Civil Defence of Ukraine, PM of Ukraine, taking into consideration local opportuni В¬ Vost and conditions. It provides for measures to promote and udoskona В¬ Lenny civil defense, training of personnel to act in emergency situations В¬ tea;


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