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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Закордонний досвід застосування технології "Електронне правосуддя"

Реферат Закордонний досвід застосування технології "Електронне правосуддя"

ccess: 02.02.2010. p>. Irelands Contribution to the New Multi-Annual Freedom, Security and Justice Work Programme. Draft [Electronic Resource]/The European Commission. - 2010. - Mode of access: . Administrative Jurisdiction and e-Justice [Electronic Resource]/Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union . - 2010. - Mode of access: . About Her Majestys Courts Service [Electronic Resource]/Her Majestys Courts Service. - 2010. - Mode of access: . Preliminary Study on Mutual Recognition of E-signatures for E-government Applications. National Profile Belgium. [Electronic Resource]/Jos Dumortier - Hans Graux, Lawfort. - 2007. - Mode of access: . Action Plan on European e-Justice 2009-2013 [Electronic Resource]/EUR Lex. Access to European Union Law. - 2010. - Mode of access: . National Judiciary Informatics System [Electronic Resource]/Ministry of Justice. - 2010. - Mode of access: . Recommendation Rec (2001) 2 of the Committee of Ministers to member states concerning the design and re-design of court systems and legal information systems in a cost effective manner [Electronic Resource]/Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers. - 2010. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 03.03.2010. p>. Recommendation Rec (2001) 3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the delivery of court and other legal services to the citizen through the use of new technologies [Electronic Resource]/Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers. - 2010. - Mode of access: - Date of access: 03.03.2010. p>. Politis, D. Implementing E-Justice on a National Scale: Coping with Balkanization and Socio-Economical Divergence/D. Politis, G. Donos// Journal of Cases on Information Technology. - 2008. - № 10 (2). - P. 1-9. p>. Sixth Framework Programme [Electronic Resource]/CORDIS. - 2010. - Mode of access: 17. Проект E-justice/E-justice Project [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу:

18. E-justice - від проекту до практики (E-justice - from pilot projects to practical solutions) [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: . Загальна інформація про Європейський суд з прав людини// Веб-портал Європейського суд...

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