tify"> Section 2. Administrative and legal practice of using special means of administrative termination for the protection of public order
has a bilateral character. During the execution of their duties police officers are not exempt from liability for violations of the law.on the application of physical restraint, special vehicles, firearms in most cases takes a police officer individually.question arises: "Why such important decisions, the implementation of which can lead to tragic consequences, taking the police, who in most cases have no legal education may experience worked in special skills? ". of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, every year there are cases of unauthorized use of standard -issue weapons.shows that the regulation of such important issues as the use of special police vehicles, firearms is an unsatisfactory level.on the above it can be concluded that in some areas the use of force by the police need public control, which is now almost non-existent.first step towards solving this problem has become the order of MIA of Ukraine № 414 from 10.06.98r. "On approval of the instructions on the procedure for reviewing proposals, complaints and personal reception of citizens in the police department, internal forces, institutions of higher education, institutions, organizations and enterprises of the MIA of Ukraine." To the decree of the Minister of Internal Affairs for review, complaints of citizens, a commission that must objectively examine all the circumstances of the case, especially when it comes to violations by police officers on the law. The basis of this regulation is the Law of Ukraine "On Public Appeals" from 23.10.96r. But the prevention of adverse effects of the use of police force during their service to protect public order remains open.in addressing important issues such as the use of special tools during stopping group of disruption, riots should take and the local council in which those events occur. Today, the competence belongs to the official who is responsible for maintaining public order, or the head of a particular special operations, or in some cases, the police officer, who according to the law of Ukraine "On Militia" has the right to determine the kind of special vehicle, start time and the intensity of its application taking into account the situation that has developed, the offender and the nature of the offense. For local councils, the Art. 38 of the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" 12.06.97r. suggests that their competence and are some questions about law enforcement, protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.part executive, local governments can take to develop schematic plans of stopping group violations of public order, riots in the territory of village or city council.plan must be defined procedure, tactical use of certain kinds of special funds based on terrain features: the presence of children, ...