hild, the author shows the calamitous position of the destitute working class and exposes cruelty and inhumanity of the exploitative class. The tile of the story Wild s flowers Prompts one more idea to us . Even before reading he story one can feel that the title present a metaphor comprising a poetic image and this fact helps to create a caretaking emit ideal predisposition. The character of the personages mutual relations-their genuine love, care concern for each other-acquire special significance. In some of his stories Caldwell speaks about the influence of poverty in human soul, how poverty instigates hungry people to treachery, to mean action and crimes. However in this story we see the opposite-torment sufferings and hard conditions do not embitter the hearts of people, do not kill their love. If we retrospectively reconsider the whole the whole story in this aspect, we will see the possibility at a new interpretation promoted by the title of the story. The poetic image of wild flowers which bloom irrespective of conditions and circumstances, irrespective of the soil, on which they grow, exhaling fragrance and giving pleasure for the eyes, helps the author to show courage, staunchness, strength of spirit and love of the two young people who preserved their tender feeling in spite of the hard human conditions in which they found themselves. Will flowers is not a tragic story; it also symbolizes belief in kindness, love and beauty.title - symbol reflects the content - conceptual information in the most conspicicucous manner. The title of J. Galswothy s novel the white monkey can serve as an example. The image of the white monkey, given in the title, symbolizes ravage ness of the younger generation of the English bourgeoisie. It is an image of the white monkey from the Chinese picture, which Soames presented to his daughter.monkey is eating an orange dissatisfaction. In the yearning eyes of the monkey, in her troubled look and dissatisfaction Galwothery incarnates the perception of the life by the younger generation have no faith, no aim in life, no moral principles to guide their conduct by.is possibly to classify titles according to their form and CCI or CFI reflected in them:
) a title symbol;
) a title thesis;
) a title-quotation;
) a title-report;
) a tile-hint;
) a title narration.
.2 Phraseological unit as a newspaper title and its functions
The role of the title in capturing reader s attention is great...