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Реферат Theory of literature

xhaustive treatment of the subject, it is subject to very different judgments. Essays tends to syncretism: the beginning of the actual art is easily connected with journalistic and philosophical.thinking MN Epstein, the basis of essays is a special concept of the individual - not as a carrier of knowledge and opinions. Her vocation - not ready to proclaim the truth, and to cleave hardened, false integrity, defend free thought, stretching from the centralization of meaning: it is a »person of becoming soprebyvanie word.« Relativistic concept of essays the author gives a very high status: it is »an internal culture of a new engine time«, the center features »sverhhudozhestvennogo generalizations".


experience of separation of the two series of concepts (epic, epic, etc.) in the middle of this century has made the German scientist E. Steiger. In his paper «The basic concepts of poetics,» he described the epic, lyric, dramatic style as a phenomenon (type key - Tonart), linking them (respectively) with concepts such as performance, memory, voltage. And claimed that every literary work (no matter whether it has the external form of epic poetry or drama) combines these three elements: «I have not figured out the lyrical and dramatic, if I connect them with poetry and drama» approach of the narrator with any of the characters commonly used quasi-direct speech, so that the voice of the character narrating and merge together. Combining the perspectives of the narrator and the characters in the literature of XIX-XX centuries. due to the increased interest in the artistic originality of the inner world of people, and most importantly, the understanding of life as a combination of unlike one another relationship to reality, qualitatively different outlook and values.the last century (up to the XVIII century ) drama not only competes with the epic, but often become the leading form of artistic reproduction of life in space and time. There are a number of reasons. First, the huge role played by theater, available (in contrast to the manuscripts and printed books), the broadest segments of society. Secondly, the properties of dramatic works (image characters with distinct traits, reproduction of human passions, and the attraction to the grotesque pathos) in «dorealisticheskie» era is quite consistent with the trends and obscheliteraturnogo obschehudozhestvennym.the XIX-XX centuries. literature has moved to the forefront of social-psychological novel genre epic kind of literature, dramas still owned the place of honor.is the fullness of expression of the author subjectively determined identity perception poetry reader, who is actively involved in the emotional atmosphere of the work. Lyrical creativity (and again this is in common with the music, and the choreography) has a top inspiring, infecting force (suggestive). Getting acquainted with the short story, novel or drama, we take the picture with a certain psychological distance, to a certain extent detached. By the will of the authors (and sometimes on its own) or we accept, however, do not share their mindset, approve or disapprove of their actions, making fun of them or sympathize with them. Another thing is the lyrics. Fully perceive lyrical work - it means imbued mindset poet, enjoy and relive them as being their own, personal, intimate. With condensed poetic formulas lyrical work between author ...

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