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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

Реферат Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

per worker, m2; - specific area in subsequent work stations, m2;

РТ - technological concurrent to the greatest change.fitter mechanical part:

Forge-size portion of spring:

Land area coppersmith:

Area of ??sheet metal section:

Area welding area:

Size of wallpaper section:

reinforcing portion:

area of ??electrical:

paint area:

Lot size tire changer:

Area vulcanization area:

size battery:

Land area repair the power supply system:

aggregate area:

Area bodywork section:

2.9 Settlement areas of warehouse

Calculation of storage space on specific standards for mileage. Settlement areas of warehouse made on a specific area of ??1 million kilometers rolling stock is determined by the formula:

where Lг - annual mileage cars, km;

Аі - Balance number of vehicles; уд - the specific area of ??the warehouse to 1 million kilometres, m2;

КПС- coefficient taking into account the type of rolling stock;

Кр - coefficient taking into account the number of vehicles;

Краз - factor considering rolling stock miscellaneous branded.

2.10 Calculation of the storage area rolling stock

Vehicles, storage space is determined by the formula:

where Аст - Balance number of vehicles;

КП - density ratio arrangement cars, accept for payment КП=2,5.

2.11 Definition of areas of support facilities

facilities - administrative, household, community - are the subject of architectural design and construction must comply with design standards and regulations.approximate composition of ancillary facilities provided for by the MC as follows: offices:

For senior staff (director, chief engineer, chief operation);

Departments (technical, planning, operational, accounting, etc.);

Dispatch, elegant, chauffeur, shop offices, facilities director of the colony, and pass protection watchdog;

Non-governmental organizations - trade unions, as well as classrooms, meeting and recreation.administrative offices is calculated from the state administrative apparatus to the following standards:

Departments working rooms - 4 m2 per worker in the room;

Rooms - from 10 to 15% of working rooms depending on the number of employees.space for drivers to determine the rate of the simultanDMus presence of 30% of drivers working in the most populous change per 1 m2 per person, but not less than 18 m2 total area.of the premises to rescue drivers determined the rate of 3 m2 per attendant.the territory MC detached two-storey administrative building .: cloakroom, showers, washrooms, toilets, smoking, eating establishments , clinics.of public spaces at rates calculated based on the number of employees.stored in closed closets all kinds of clothes number of individual cabinets is taken to be working on all shifts. Dimensions for closed stationary locker for storing clothes following: depth - 0.5 m, width - 0,33 m, floor area dressing one locker - 0.25 mbuildings designed MC envisage dressing with the number of lockers for workers - 50, - 100 for drivers. Then make a dressing room area: 177.2 sqmof shower screens and taps in washrooms is determined by the number of employees in most large change depending on the group of the production process of calculation from 3 to 15 people per shower and from 7 to 20 people per tap. Floor space on one shower with dressing room is taken equal to 2 m2, one sink - 0.8 m2 at their sole location.of shower rooms for workers to accept MC design 12 showers. Number of shower rooms for drivers take to design 12. Overall shower area will be: (12 +12) 2=62 sq.m.space is taken equal to 2.0 WC x3, 0 per cabin. The bathrooms, number of cabins with toilets at work in the most populous accept change rate of one stall for 5 women and 1 in 10 men at the cabin, the number of booths for drivers - at the rate of drivers traveling in the period of maximum production of the vehicles. Cabin size 1,2 x0, 9 m distance from the most remote workstation must be no more than 75 min the MC: (125 +192 +110)/30=14, 14 for design accept. Area toilets: 14 2 3=84 sq.m.area is determined based on an employee in most big change: 0.03 m2 - for men and 0.01 m2 - for women, but not less than 9 m2. Distance from jobs to smoking should not excee...

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