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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

Реферат Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

d 75 mrooms on MC: 0,03 121=3.63 meters, design accept 4 sq.m.support facilities should be considered as the area of ??technical facilities, which are calculated in each case on the relevant standards , depending on the system adopted for heating, water and ventilation.accept the compressor room area of ??15 m2, for pumping - 10 m2, ventiljatornaja - 20 m2, transformer - 15 m2. Boiler house and coal storage is not provided as heating in the building MC centralized.the total area of ??MC by the formula:



3.1 Optimal technology Body Repair

Body repair technology provides a set of measures aimed at the implementation of quality car repairs. Body repair technology determined by the degree and extent of damage, as well as cooperates depending on the goals and objectives. So the optimal body repair technology with significant damage is to replace metal parts. For minor injuries chips, scratches, abrasions, the technology of the local body repair, where exposures are directly affected area, but not the entire piece in its entirety. When this body repair technology also provides a local painting eliminating defects. In addition, the technology provides for the restoration of body repair parts by embossing the surface aligned as possible options to avoid having to applying a thick layer of putty.repair technology with complex lesions of the body, accompanied by his skewed or breach geometry, provides pre-reduction options, followed by replacement parts. Reverse body repair technology is not provided. Compliance with recommended elements in the body repair work regardless of its complexity is a guarantee of quality work.section is intended to correct defects and malfunctions body that occur during operation. On site kuzovnom restore their original shape and strength of repaired body, and also perform work to maintain the body and its mechanisms in good technical condition.this area is carried out sheet metal and welding Fittings and body works, which include operations for disassembly, assembly , welding and straightening damaged panels, body parts and mechanisms can be carried out repairs of radiators, fuel tanks, as well as springs and wheel rims. There also needed to produce replacement body parts: panel inserts, patches, etc.repair sheet metal work (removal of dents, cracks, tears) mudguards, front hood, radiator facings, doors and other parts of the body, as well as partial manufacture simple parts to repair replace dilapidated. Panel is a progressive method of repair, providing a complete replacement of the damaged item or part of the body.assembly operations include removal and installation of doors, panels or individual body parts, tools, glass and other removable parts. Partial disassembly of the body to repair its parts is carried out to the extent necessary to ensure quality execution of all maintenance operations. For body assembly after repair, including the installation of parts and components to the body (doors, fenders, panels), use different sets of equipment, tools and a set of templates.operation depending on the nature of the damage is to eliminate irregularities in the deformed surfaces, as well as in correcting distortion gDMmetric dimensions of the body (distortions) .operations are an integral part of the sheet metal-body work. Almost all repair operations require the use of welding in a given volume. body use on site gas, arc and spot welding. For repair welding is used for removing the damaged area, straightening work, installing new parts or areas of the body and additional details (amplifier boxes, pads, liners, etc.), as well as welding cracks, gaps and holes with or without the imposition of patching depending on the size and condition of the damaged surface.works include repairs of all the mechanisms of the body (locks, door hinges, windows, etc.), as well as repairs of windows and glass replacement. Renovated and assembled mechanism put in place followed by adjustment. When replacing the glass used tools for assembly of glass, wood and rubber mallet, mandrel.section provide the necessary documentation, including technical cards on main activities and associated equipment.main elements of the manufacturing process body repair are:

Preparation of the body to repair (washing, dismantling, removing coatings, determination of repairs);

Renovation of the old and new parts manufacturing, as well as the creation of an adequate supply of components and parts for repair and procurement departments for uninterruptible power supply repair and assembly areas of the body;

Implementation of body repairs on the principle of interchange ability of parts and components removed from the body.basic elements of the manufacturing process are carried out on the...

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