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Реферат New democratic constitutionalism in Ukraine: problems of development

ry opposition. It happens because neither the authority, nor the opposition is ready and capable to aspire meaningly and purposefully to development of the new democratic constitutionalism. And they are caused only by the real political events, in particular, by cases of illegal restrictions of the discretionary power of the President of Ukraine, necessity of delimitation of the executive and judicial authority. the conditions of preservation of the major elements of the traditional model of political development of Ukraine, the process of introduction of the new democratic constitutionalism will be rather long. National reconciliation and recognition of the constitutional rules by all interested sides of the political process is necessary. In fact the main lack of the old postSoviet constitutionalism is absence of precise rules in the constitutional field. in Ukraine of the new democratic constitutionalism means rather radical change of rules not available for those who want to keep still partly existing old rules as more clear and convenient for them. In fact, the question is not only the certain oppositional political forces for whom change of rules on the constitutional field can actually mean crash of their imperious desires, but also about a part of proimperious political forces. We mean the so-called traditionalist political forces. of the new democratic constitutionalism is that it does not allow arguing with the political opponents as it frequently was in conditions of the postSoviet constitutionalism. The traditions of the later were the source of fear for the ruling class of Ukraine when they were afraid of coming to power of their political opponents at the presidential elections of 2004. Transition to the new democratic constitutionalism is the guarantee from political prosecutions, etc. if political opponents follow the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine. , The new democratic constitutionalism is necessary for Ukraine and Ukraine will start enjoying its advantages if the authority, being the part of the authority and an element of the mechanism of the state will begin to act constitutionally that is in the interests of the people. According to I. Kant, the authority from a transcendental object for itself will belong to all. , The new democratic constitutionalism is a complex political -legal model. Its components allow sating the society with rational ideas, to fill the Fundamental Law with these ideas, to transform them into the system of the constitutionally-legal institutes, to live according to them at the democratic political mode and to protect values ??of the constitutional democracy. the new democratic constitutionalism shall be the ideal to which the Ukrainian society aspires, willing to follow the road of social progress. Finally, this constitutionalism means introduction of the system of government based on the current Constitution of Ukraine and according to the current Constitution of Ukraine which establishes the certain balance and restriction in relations between the branches of the government, and in attitude of the state to the citizens. And it shall create conditions for the social progress of the Ukrainian society.

democratic constitutionalism government

The literature

1. Droit public. Capacit? par L. Dubouis et G. Peiser. Cinqui? Me? Dition. Paris: Dallos, 1976. - P. 4-15. До речі, ці автори також виділяють тоталітарний режим марксистської демократії.

. У науці конституційного права та інших політичних дисциплінах використовують і інші класифікації демократичних політичних режимів.

. Кампо В. Український констітуціоналізм: європейський вимір//Юридична газета.- 2006. - № 10 (70).- 31 травня.- С. 13.

. Європейський конституціоналізм, як відомо, пройшов два етапи у своєму розвитку - класичний і неокласичний конституціоналізм. Новодемократичній країни, насамперед, використовують досвід неокласичного конституціоналізму, але вони не ігнорують і класичний конституціоналізм.

. Наприклад, див .: Шайо А. Самообмеження влади (короткий курс конституціоналізму): Пер. з угор.- М .: МАУП, 2011. - 292 с.

6. Milacic S. Les ambiguї t? S du cons titutionnalisme postcommuniste.- Le nouveau constitutionnalisme. Melanges en l honneur de Gerard Conac. Textes rassembles par Jean-Clode Colliard et Yves Jegouzo.- Paris: Economica, 2011. - P. 339 et sviv.

7. Наприклад, див .: Орзіх М., Крусян А. Сучасний конституціоналізм в Україні. Введення в українське конституційне право.- К .: алеутів, 2006. - С. 97-98.

. Шевчук С. Основи констітуційної юриспруденції.- К., 2011. - С. 133.

. Богданова Н. Конституційне право.- М., 2004. - С. 31.

. То...

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