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Реферат Perfect Tenses

because I had been crying, not because I was crying then [III, p.132] .Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive and the Past Continuous.Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive should not be confused with the Past Continuous. The Past Continuous is used to denote an action going on at a definite moment in the past, no previous duration is expressed. The Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive is used when the previous duration of the action is expressed.now it was raining, had been raining for days the miserable fall rains of Eastern France [XII, p.145] .magnificent motor- car was waiting at the kerb. It had been waiting for two hours [I, p.125].

. 3 The Future Perfect Continuous

formation of the Future Perfect Continuous.

. The Future Perfect Continuous is formed by means of the Future Perfect of the auxiliary verb to be and Participle I of the notional verb.

. In the interrogative form the first auxiliary verb is placed before the subject. In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the first auxiliary verb.shall/will have been working. Shall/Will I have been working? I shall/will not have been working [12, p.134].

. The contracted affirmative forms are: ll have been working. He ll have been working [12, p.134] .contracted negative forms are: shan t have been working. He won t have been working [12, p.134].

. The negative- interrogative forms are: he not have been working? Won t he have been working? We not have been working? Shan t we have been working? [12, p.134] .use of the Future Perfect Continuous.Future Perfect Continuous denotes an action which will begin before a definite moment in the future, will continue up to that moment and will be going on at that moment.shall/will have been working at this problem for a month when you visit us a second time [12, p.134].

. 4 The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

formation of the Future Perfect Continuous in the Past.

. The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past is formed by means of the Future Perfect in the Past of the auxiliary verb to be and Participle I of the notional verb. In the interrogative form the first auxiliary verb is placed before the subject. In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the first auxiliary verb.should/would have been working. Should/Would I have been working? I should/would not have been working [12, p.135].

. The contracted affirmative forms are: d have been working. He d have been working [12, p.135] .contracted negative forms are: I shouldn t have been working. He wouldn t have been working [12, p.135].

. The negative- interrogative forms are: Should I not have been working. Shouldn t I have been working. Would he not have been working? Wouldn t he have been working? [12, p.135]. The use of the Future Perfect Continuous in the Past. The Future Continuous in the past denotes an action lasting during a certain period of time before a definite moment which was future from the point of view of the past [11, p.397-300] .wonder how long they would have been packing by the time I returned.


having proved the actuality of our work, we would like to describe the composition of it. Our work consists of four parts: introduction, the main part, conclusion and bibliography. Within the introduction part we gave the brief description of our course paper. The main part of the work includes several items. There we discussed such problems as the formation and usage of the Perfect Tenses, its classification, and etc. In bibliography part we mentioned some sources which were used while compiling the present work. It includes grammar books and articles dealing with the theme, a number of encyclopedias, some practical sources and also some internet sources.of all, we defined the categories of Perfect Tenses and aspects. We also classified the Perfect Tense Forms and in what situations it can be used. We have discussed the translation of Perfect Tenses into Russian. This problem is really very interesting and is discussed by a lot of grammarians all over the world., Perfect tenses indicate slightly more complex time relations and are generally used to express completed actions.speech and writing are more complicated than the same in English. As a result, we tend to use more complicated English tenses than necessary. Complicated tenses are difficult, and students make a lot of mistakes in them. The only way to overcome this unnecessary obstacle is to make yourself use simpler tenses. In certain cases, the Simple tenses can be used instead of the Continuous tenses, and the Perfect tenses can be used instead of the P...

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