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Реферат Perfect Tenses

is school for 20 years.-Я преподаю в цій школі 20 років [11, p.92].

. The Present Perfect Continuous Exclusive denotes an action which was recently in progress but is not longer going on at the present moment.are not well today. You looked distressed. You have been weeping [IV, p.148] .Present Perfect Continuous Exclusive is used to express repeated action in the Past.have you been spending your money? Have been buying pictures [11, p.92] .have been getting letters from him.Present Perfect Continuous Exclusive is often used with an emotional colouring.suppose you have been telling lies again [VII, p.90] .Present Perfect Continuous Exclusive is rendered in Russian by the past imperfective.eyes are red. You have been crying.-У вас почервоніли очі. Ви плакали [12, p.130] .Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive and the Present Continuous.should take care not to mix up the Present Perfect Continuous and the Present Continuous: the Present Continuous is used to denote an action going on at the present moment , no previous duration is expressed. The Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive is used when the previous duration of the action is expressed. I am reading Dombey and son. I have been reading Dombey and Son for three days [12, p.130] .is no difference in the translation:

Я читаю роман «Домбі і син». Я читаю роман «Домбі і син» три дні [12, p.130] .Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous Exclusive.Present Perfect denotes a completed action while the Present Perfect Continuous Exclusive there is an implication of incompleteness.has made some experiments.has been making experiments [11, p.30] .are your lips black? I have been eating blackberries. I have eaten a whole plateful [11, p.31] .is walking up and down the room thinking of the letter she has been writing and wondering how she should finish it. She is going to post the letter she has just written [11, p.31].

. 2 The Past Perfect Continuous

formation of the Past Perfect Continuous.

. The past perfect Continuous is formed by means of the Past perfect of the auxiliary verb to be and Participle I of the notional verb.

. In the interrogative form the first auxiliary verb is placed before the subject. In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the first auxiliary verb.had been writing. Had I been writing? I had not been writing [12, p.131].

. The contracted affirmative forms are: d been writing. She d been writing [12, p.131] .contracted negative forms are: hadn t been writing. We hadn t been writing [12, p.132].

. The negative- interrogative forms are: he not been writing? Hadn t he been writing? You not been writing? Hadn t you been writing? [12, p.132] .use of the Past Perfect Continuous.distinguish two uses of the Past Perfect Continuous: The Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive and the Past Perfect Continuous Exclusive.

. The Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive denotes an action which began before a definite moment in the past, continued up to that moment and was still going on at that moment. Either the starting point of the action is indicated or the whole period of duration. The preposition for is used to denote the whole period of duration. Since is used to indicate the starting point of the action.could not go out because it had been raining since early morning.could not go out because it had been raining for two hours.had been entertaining at restaurant for thirty years and he knew how to assure the smooth passage of the meal [I, p.183] .has been stated above, the Past Perfect Inclusive is used to express an action which began before a definite moment in the past, continued up to that moment and was still going on at that moment, with verbs admitting of the Continuous form, in negative sentences and with certain non-terminative verbs. With verbs not admitting of the Continuous form the Past Perfect Inclusive is the only tense possible. In negative sentences the Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive can be used, but it is far less common than the Past Perfect Inclusive. With certain non- terminative verbs both the Past Perfect Inclusive and the Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive are used.said he had worked for twenty years. (The fact is emphasized.) He said he had been working for a long time without achieving final results. (The process is emphasized.) [12, p.133] .Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive is rendered in Russian by the past imperfective. I had been reading about an hour when he came.-Я читав близько години, коли він прийшов.

. The Past Perfect Continuous Exclusive denotes an action which was no longer going on at a definite moment in the past, but which had been in progress not long before.sobbed a little still, but that was ...

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