деяких найбільш вживаних прийменників
займенник називний англійська прийменник
on-на поверхні (місце) On the table, on the roof. - час (день тижня) On Sunday, on the 2 nd of August. - по (темі, питання) Let s speak on this problem.in-в, всередині (місце) In Russia, in Perm, in the house. - час (місяць, рік) In spring, in 1980, in May. - черезIn an hour, in 5 days, in a week. - по (предмету) An exam in Math, a class in English.at-у , близько (місце) At the table, at the window. - местонахожденіеAt school, at home, at work. - точний времяAt 3 o clock, at that time, at midnightto-напрям (куди?) To me, to Perm, to the theatre.by-у, близько (місце) By the window, by the fire. - к (моменту часу) By 2 o clock, by the evening.with - з (ким-небудь, чим-небудь) With us, with me, with milk. We eat with a spoon, fork and knife and write with a pen.without-безI translated it without a dictionary.for-протягом (часу) For 2 weeks, for a long time, for ever. - ДляFor you, for them, for whom? about-о (об) We spoke about films, actors and about the weather. - по (без певного напрямку) They are walking about the garden. We were running about the street.from-від, з (рух від чогось, від когось) From her, from Moscow, from here. Instant coffee is made from coffee grains.within-в, у пределахYou must do it within a week.during-в час, в теченіеDuring the war, during the holiday.before-перед, доBefore Christmas, before the lesson.after-після, слідом заAfter the work, after twelve.till/until- поки, доUntil 12 o clock, till the rain stops.since-с, отSince Monday, since I saw him.on time - вчасно, в строк (як заплановано) The 11.45 train left on time. Be on time. Don t be late.in time-до певного часу (встигнути до) Will you be home in time for dinner? We got to the station just in time.