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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Методички » Правила Виконання навчальної документації. Вимоги до кваліфікаційної роботи магістра

Реферат Правила Виконання навчальної документації. Вимоги до кваліфікаційної роботи магістра

ntries is a community service. For more serious crimes the usual punishment is imprisonment. In modern law the most severe form of punishment is capital punishment, legal infliction of the death penalty. The most severe form of punishment in Ukraine is life imprisonment. br/>

. Смертна кара як вид покарань

Capital punishment is the death penalty given by the government of a country, to people who have committed hideous crimes like homicide, rape, etc. Capital punishment has been a way of punishing people since ages. Although there are some countries that have abolished death penalty from their law, there are still many which still practice the act of killing a person for crime. Capital punishment is prevalent in the US, Asian and Middle Eastern countries. Some of the ways of executing criminals are hanging, shooting, electrocution and giving lethal injections.People have different opinions on the issue of capital punishment given to a convict. While some think that death penalty <# "justify">. Суд присяжних. Вибори присяжних. Вимоги до присяжних

Selection of the trial juryfirst step in the selection of the trial jury is the selection of a jury panel. The judge assigned to that case will tell you about the case and will introduce the lawyers and the people involved in the case. You will also take an oath, by which you promise to answer all questions truthfully. The judge and the lawyers will question you and the other members of the panel to find out if you have any personal interest in it, or any feelings that might make it hard for you to be impartial. This process of questioning is called Voir Dire, a phrase meaning "to speak the truth". During Voir Dire the lawyers may ask the judge to excuse you or another member of the panel from sitting on the jury for this particular case. This is called challenging a juror . There are two types of challenges. The first is called a challenge for cause, which means that the lawyer has a specific reason for thinking that the juror would not be able to be impartial. The second type of challenge is called a peremptory challenge , which means that the lawyer does not have to state a reason for asking that the juror be excused.

28. Судовий процес, основні стадії

Steps of the trialin a trial usually happen in a particular order, though the order may be changed by the judge. Step 1. Selection of the Jury. Step 2. Opening Statements. The lawyers for each side will discuss their views of the case that you are to hear and will also present a general picture of what they intend to prove about the case. Step 3. Presentation of Evidence. All parties are entitled to present evidence. The testimony of witnesses who testify at trial is evidence. Evidence may also take the form of physical exhibits, such as a gun or a photograph. Step 4. The Instructions. Following presentation of all the evidence, the judge instructs the jury on the laws that are to guide the jury in their deliberations on a verdict. Step 5. Closing Arguments. The lawyers in the closing arguments summarize the case from their point of view. They may discuss the evidence that has been presented or comment on the credibility of witnesses. Step 6. Jury Deliberation. The jury retires to the jury room to conduct the deliberations on the verdict in the case they have just heard. When a verdict has been reached, the foreman signs it and informs the bailiff. The jury returns to the courtroom, where the foreman presents the verdict.

. Судові справи. Цівільні та Кримінальні справи

Kinds of casescases. Civil cases are usually disputes between or among private citizens, corporations, governments, government agencies, and other organizations. The party bringing the suit is called the plaintiff; the party being sued is called the defendant. There may be many plaintiffs or many defendants in the same case. The plaintiff starts the lawsuit by filling a paper called a complaint. The next paper filled is usually the answer, in which the defendant disputes what the plaintiff has said in the complaint. In each civil case the judge tells the jury the extent to which the plaintiff must prove the case. This is called the plaintiff's burden of proof, a burden that the plaintiff must meet in order to win. Jury verdicts do no...

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