ання. І реалізує движок роботи багатьох веб сайтів, веб-публікації і серверів, таких як youtube.com, tweeter.com, depositfiles.com і т.д.
Список літератури
1. В.О. Сафонов. Основи сучасних операційних систем. # "Justify"> 2. Simone Lupetti, Dmitrii Zagorodnov. Data popularity and shortest-job-first scheduling of network transfer. IKT 2010 project number 146986/431. University of Tromso
# include
# include
# include node
{int process_no; btime; node * link;
}; append (struct node **, int, int); display (struct node *, int); chart (struct node **); main ()
{clrscr (); node * p; = NULL;/* Empty Linked list */i = 1, time; ans = 'y'; (ans! = 'n')
{printf (" nEnter Burst Time For Process No.% d:В», i); (В«% dВ», & time); (& p, i, time); ( В«Any More Process (Y/N)?"); = getche (); + +;
} (); (); (В« nThe Order Of Execution Of Process For SJF Algorithm Will be: -В»); (p, 1); (); (В« nThe Waiting Time Of Process For SJF Algorithm Will be: - В»); (p, 2); (); (& p); ();
} append (struct node ** q, int i, int time)
{struct node * r, * temp = * q; = (struct node *) malloc (sizeof (struct node));> process_no = i;> btime = time;
/* If list is empty or new data to be inserted b4 the first node */(* q == NULL | | (* q) -> btime> time)
{* q = r;
(* q) -> link = temp;
{/ * traverse the entire linked listsearch the position the new node to be inserted */(temp! = NULL)
{if (temp-> btime <= time && (temp-> link-> btime> time | | temp-> link == NULL))
{r-> link = temp-> link;> link = r;> link = NULL;
} = temp-> link;
} display (struct node * q, int kk)
{struct node * temp; wtime, avg = 0, total = 0, count = 0; = q; i; (В« n"); (В« n t t% c В», 218); (i = 1; i <33; i + +)
{if (i == 17) (В«% cВ», 194); (В«% cВ», 196);
} (В«% cВ», 191); (kk == 1)
{printf (" n t t% c PROCESS NO.% c BURST TIME% c nВ», 179,179,179);
} (kk == 2)
{printf (" n t t% c PROCESS NO.% c WAIT TIME% c nВ», 179,179,179);
} (В« t t% cВ», 195); (i = 1; i...