ness, repeatedly creating and running thriving companies. These same teams can even turn around a struggling company. When looking for capital to turn around a company, special attention should be paid to this area. Often the people make the difference.Descriptionthis section to describe company management including the responsibilities and expertise of each person. Many lenders and venture capitalists base their investment decisions on the strength of the company's principals. Include special skills and abilities, as well as complementary aspects of the team's relationship.positions that have yet to be filled, detailed job descriptions, and who needs to be hired to achieve success must be described. Describe the talents these persons need to possess and how the addition of that person will help the company meet its objectives. Methods of recruitment and hiring should also be detailed.
5. Financial Plan
5.1 Financial Forecasts
Provide in Appendix a full set of cohesive financial statements: startup costs, break-even analysis, balance sheet <# "center"> 5.2 Sources of Capital
If the business plan is aimed to attract investors, define type of capital <# "center"> 6. Risk Management
In business, you can never allow yourself to get comfortable with the status quo, because it is always changing. Surprises may be fatal to your inevitable, avoiding risk impossible. Risk management is the key, always tilting the venture in favor of reward and away from risk.all opportunities are associated with risk, the biggest risk is to miss them. Risk results usually not from unpredictability but from ignorance. The more you know about what you are doing, the less risk you run. If you can define risks, you can limit them. Look back on any opportunities you missed and use your past mistakes to learn how to recognize opportunities.any its development stage, the company faces the five major risks that change in nature as company evolves: risk; risk; risk; risk; and management risk . cannot avoid these risks, but you can manage them.
7. Technology/System Summary
Companies build up their portfolio by applying for more patents. In addition, they are licensing and cross-licensing technology. In both cases, companies with a strong portfolio are generally in a better position to negotiate. p> But to maximize the value of their intellectual assets, companies must understand how they support enterprise business strategy <# "center"> Conclusion
Еvery entrepreneur, starting his activities, must image the perspective necessity in financial, material, manpower and intellectual resources and their receipt sources very