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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Characteristics of special self-defense tactics and their application

Реферат Characteristics of special self-defense tactics and their application

le object, or the simultaneous removal by the "stars", located in the drum. In this case, the drum is rejected with a frame to the right or left hand shooter presses on the head of the rod that passes through the axis of the drum is connected to the core extractor in a "star" and removes cartridge cases from the drum. the revolver again, can be done either alternately or simultaneously using different assistive devices. But in any case the process of reloading revolver takes much longer than a pistol. pistols and revolvers, in principle, an ordinary firearm, striking the enemy is not a bullet and tear gas stream. common feature that distinguishes gas pistols and revolvers of military weapons, is the presence of a lens barrel that during the shot passes gas flow, but holds the ball. , Ammunition cans and gas pistols and revolvers sporyadzhayutsya usually two types of compounds: CS (ортохлорбензолмолонодінітріл) which combines the effect of suffocating tear, and CN (hloratsetofenon), which gives tear effect and has a characteristic odor Cheremukha. activation product (grenades, cartridges, ammunition) is the following: tear substance that is in the crystalline state inside the cartridge or grenades, transferred to a gaseous state (sublimated) by the heat of the charge that burns. Gaseous active material that is ejected from the cartridge (grenades), takes the form of clouds, which also does damaging effect. it is expedient to characterize gas cartridges for pistols and revolvers. According to international conventions, cartridges for gas pistols and revolvers are color coded. Yes, wad cartridge, loaded substance CS, has yellow and equipped substance CN - blue, purple or white (depending on concentration). Noise (starter) with ammunition wad of green. The contents of gas canisters, usually reported in plain text, deposited on their surface. addition to the above, in aerosol containers and mechanical sprayer can be used oleorezin kapsikum (OS) and morfolid pelargonic acid. Substance OS is a 5-6% solution kapsoitsynu (the most irritating component of some varieties of red and green pepper, obtained by extraction from natural raw materials) in a neutral oil. Kapsoitsyn pain has a strong effect on the eyes, facial skin, respiratory system and causes painful cough. The effectiveness of it almost does not decrease when exposed to people who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In addition, kapsoitsyn good scare dogs. Morfolid pelargonic acid (BETWEEN) represents one of the most effective synthetic analogues kapsoitsynu, virtually conceding natural product. He filled gas cylinders "Intermediate-1", "Intermediate-4," Teren ^ M "and fired bullets" Teren-3 "domestic production. Recently, gas cans used substance alhohen (CR, dibenzoksazepin) - tear irritating substance. On the basis of aerosols produced "Cobra". In Ukraine, the development of this type of active defense began a few years earlier than in Russia. State Scientific...

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