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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Отчеты по практике » Об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування. Розробка програмного забезпечення

Реферат Об'єктно-орієнтоване програмування. Розробка програмного забезпечення


. Програма, яка помощью канви малює чотірікутнік та візначає его тип, площу, периметр.

unit Unit1 ;, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms ,, Menus, Math, ComCtrls;=class (TForm): TMainMenu ;: TMenuItem ;: TStatusBar ;: TMenuItem;:TMenuItem; FormCreate (Sender: TObject); FormMouseDown (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton ;: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); N1Click (Sender: TObject); FormMouseMove (Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X ,: Integer); N2Click (Sender: TObject); N3Click (Sender: TObject) ;: string ;: integer ;: real;, b, c, d: real;, yr, zr, gr: real ;: array [1.4] of Tpoint; check (a, b, c, d: Tpoint): boolean; length (a, b: Tpoint): real; corner (aa, bb, cc: Tpoint): real; checksquare: boolean; checkrect: boolean; checkromb:boolean;

{Public declarations} ;: TForm1;

{$ R *. dfm} tform1. checkromb: boolean; (a=b) and (b=c) and (c=d) and (d=a) then begin square:=1/2 * length (pol [1], pol [3]) * length (pol [2], pol [4]); result:=true end else result:=false ;; Tform1. corner (aa, bb, cc: Tpoint): real; a1, a2: tpoint; cos: real ;. X:=aa. X-cc. X ;. Y:=aa. Y-cc. Y ;. X:=bb. X-cc. X ;. Y:=bb. Y-cc. Y ;:=(a1. X * a2. X + a1. Y * a2. Y)/(sqrt (sqr (a1. X) + sqr (a1. Y)) * sqrt (sqr (a2. X) + sqr (a2. Y))) ;:=round (arccos (cos) * 180/pi) ;; tform1. checkrect: boolean; ((a=c) and (b=d)) and ((xr=yr) and (yr=zr) and (zr=gr) and (gr=xr)) then begin result:=true; square:=a * c; end else result:=false ;; Tform1. checksquare: boolean; ((a=d) and (d=b) and (b=c) and (c=a)) and ((xr=yr) and (yr=zr) and (zr=gr) and ( gr=xr)) then begin result:=true; square:=a * a; end else result:=false ;; Tform1. length (a, b: Tpoint): real ;:=sqrt (sqr (a. Xb. X) + sqr (a. Yb. Y)) ;; Tform1. check (a: TPoint; b: TPoint; c: TPoint; d: TPoint): boolean; A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2: integer ;:=(d. xc. x) * (a. yc. y) - (d. yc. y) * (a. xc. x) ;:=(d. xc. x) * (b. yc. y) - (d. yc. y) * (b. xc. x) ;:=(b. xa. x) * (c. ya. y) - (b. ya. y) * (c. xa. x) ;:=(b. xa. x) * (d. ya. y) - (b. ya. y) * (d. xa. x) ;:=(A1 * B1 lt; 0) and (A2 * B2 lt; 0) ;; TForm1. FormCreate (Sender: TObject) ;:=1 ;; TForm1. FormMouseDown (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton ;: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); p: tpoint; i, j: integer; sort: array [1.4] of tpoint; l: real; k lt;=4 then begin. Canvas. Pixels [x, y]:=clblack; [k]. x:=x; pol [k]. y:=y ;:=k + 1; beginj:=1 to 4 doi:=1 to 3 do if (pol [i]. X gt; pol [i + 1]. x) then begin p:=pol [i +1]; pol [i + 1]:=pol [i]; pol [i]:=p; end; (not (check (pol [1], pol [2], pol [3], pol [4]))) and (not (check (pol [1], pol [4], pol [2], pol [3]))) then form1. Canvas. Polygon (pol) begin p:=pol [1]; pol [1]:=pol [4]; pol [4]: ??= p; (not (check (pol [1], pol [2], pol [3], pol [4]))) and (not (check (pol [1], pol [4] , pol [2], pol [3]))) then form1. Canvas. Polygon (pol) begin p:=pol [1]; pol [1]:=pol [2]; pol [2]:=p; (not (check (pol [1], pol [2], pol [3], pol [4]))) and (not (check (pol [1], pol [4] , pol [2], pol [3]))) then form1. Canvas. Polygon (pol) end ;:=length (pol [1], pol [2]) /37.79527559055 ;:=length (pol [2], pol [3]) /37.79527559055 ;:=length (pol [3], pol [4]) /37.79527559055 ;:=length (pol [4], pol [1]) /37.79527559055 ;:=corner (pol [2], pol [4], pol [1]) ;:=corner (pol [ 1], pol [3], pol [4]) ;:=corner (pol [4], pol [2], pol [3]) ;:=corner (pol [3], pol [1], pol [ 2]); checksquare then info:= квадрат elsecheckromb then info:= ромб elsecheckrect then info:= прямокутник else begin l:=(a + b + c + d)/2; square:=sqrt ((la) * (lb) * (lc) * (ld) - a * b * c * d * cos ((xr + zr)/2)); info:= чотірікутнік raquo ;; end ;;; TForm1. N1Click (Sender: TObject); (Form1. Canvas. Handle, 0, 0, Form1. ClientWidth, Form1. ClientHeight, WHITENESS) ;:=1 ;; TForm1. FormMouseMove (Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X ,: Integer) ;. SimpleText:= x: + inttostr (x) + y: + inttostr (y) ;; TForm1. N2Click (Sender: TObject); p: real; k=5 then begin p:=a + b + c + d; showmessage (info + площа: + floattostr ((square)) + см периметр: + floattostr ((p)) + см ); end else showmessage ( спочатку намалюйте обєкт ) ;; TForm1. N3Click (Sender: TObject) ;;;.

Програма, яка при натиску ведмедики на вікно переставляє две кульки, так, щоб смороду НЕ перетіналіся

unit Unit1 ;, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms ,, ExtCtrls;=class (TForm): TShape ;: TShape; Shape2MouseDown (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton ;: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Shape1MouseDown (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton ;: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); FormMouseDown (Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton ;: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);

{Private declarations}

{Public declarations} ;: TForm1;

{$ R *. dfm} TForm1. FormMouseDown (Send...

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