lign="justify">. h
# if! defined (AFX_STDAFX_H__1D726032_C1AA_4045_BFA7_E5A896B6D590__INCLUDED _)
# define AFX_STDAFX_H__1D726032_C1AA_4045_BFA7_E5A896B6D590__INCLUDED _
# if _MSC_VER gt; 1000
# pragma once
# endif//_MSC_VER gt; 1000
# define VC_EXTRALEAN//Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
# include lt; afxwin.h gt;// MFC core and standard components
# include lt; afxext.h gt;// MFC extensions
# include lt; afxdisp.h gt;// MFC Automation classes
# include lt; afxdtctl.h gt;//MFC support for Internet Explorer 4 Common Controls
# include lt; afxcmn.h gt;//MFC support for Windows Common Controls
# include msado15.tlh namespace ADODB;
# include lt; GL gl.h gt;
# include lt; GL glu.h gt;
# include lt; GL glut.h gt;
# include lt; GL glaux.h gt;
# pragma comment (lib, opengl32.lib )
# pragma comment (lib, glu32.lib )
# pragma comment (lib, glaux.lib )
# pragma comment (lib, glut32.lib )
//Microsoft Visual C ++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
# endif //! defined (AFX_STDAFX_H__1D726032_C1AA_4045_BFA7_E5A896B6D590__INCLUDED _)
Додаток В
. h
# include Grafik.h
# if! defined (AFX_MAINFRM_H__6646B85B_45EA_409F_8A2A_D5EB66EB65FC__INCLUDED _)
# define AFX_MAINFRM_H__6646B85B_45EA_409F_8A2A_D5EB66EB65FC__INCLUDED _
# if _MSC_VER gt; 1000
# pragma once
# endif//_MSC_VER gt; 1000CMainFrame: public CFrameWnd
{protected://create from serialization only (); _ DYNCREATE (CMainFrame)
//Attributes: * graf; pfd;
//ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
//{{AFX_VIRTUAL (CMainFrame) BOOL PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT amp; cs);
//Implementation: ~ CMainFrame ();
# ifdef _DEBUGvoid AssertValid () const; void Dump (CDumpContext amp; dc) const;
# endif://control bar embedded membersm_wndStatusBar; m_wndToolBar;
//Generated message map functions:
//{{AFX_MSG (CMainFrame) _msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
//Microsoft Visual C ++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
# endif //! defined (AFX_MAINFRM_H__6646B85B_45EA_409F_8A2A_D5EB66EB65FC__INCLUDED _)
Додаток С
. h
# if _MSC_VER gt; 1000
# pragma once
# endif//_MSC_VER gt; 1000CKursovayaView: public CView
{protected://create from serialization only (); _ DYNCREATE (CKursovayaView)
//Attributes: * GetDocument ();
//ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
//{{AFX_VIRTUAL (CKursovayaView): void OnDraw (CDC * pDC);// Overridden to draw this viewBOOL PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT amp; cs) ;: BOOL OnPreparePrinting (CPrintInfo * pInfo); void OnBeginPrinting (CDC * pDC, CPrintInfo * pInfo); void OnEndPrinting (CDC * pDC, CPrintInfo * pInfo);
//Implementation: ~ CKursovayaView ();
# ifdef _DEBUGvoid AssertValid () const; void Dump (CDumpContext amp; dc) const;
# endif:
//Generated message map functions: