lign="justify">//{{AFX_MSG (CKursovayaView)
//NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
//DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
# ifndef _DEBUG//debug version in kursovayaView.cppCKursovayaDoc * CKursovayaView :: GetDocument ()
{return (CKursovayaDoc *) m_pDocument; }
# endif
# endif
Додаток D
. h
# if! defined (AFX_KURSOVAYADOC_H__5EC4DE28_9A33_4AC5_B2C0_416A587C8496__INCLUDED _)
# define AFX_KURSOVAYADOC_H__5EC4DE28_9A33_4AC5_B2C0_416A587C8496__INCLUDED _
# if _MSC_VER gt; 1000
# pragma once
# endif//_MSC_VER gt; 1000CKursovayaDoc: public CDocument
{://create from serialization only (); _ DYNCREATE (CKursovayaDoc)
_ ConnectionPtr pConn;
_ RecordsetPtr pRecordset; fields;
CString baza;
CString table;
int mas [200];
int n; ms [200];
//ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
//{{AFX_VIRTUAL (CKursovayaDoc): BOOL OnNewDocument (); void Serialize (CArchive amp; ar);
//Implementation: ~ CKursovayaDoc (); ErrMessage (_com_error amp; ce);
# ifdef _DEBUGvoid AssertValid () const; void Dump (CDumpContext amp; dc) const;
# endif:
//Generated message map functions:
//{{AFX_MSG (CKursovayaDoc) _msg void OnDdd ();
//Microsoft Visual C ++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
# endif
Додаток E
. h
# if! defined (AFX_GRAFIK_H__E5B353C8_3870_4731_B7FE_0CA730C9A800__INCLUDED _)
# define AFX_GRAFIK_H__E5B353C8_3870_4731_B7FE_0CA730C9A800__INCLUDED _
# include kursovayaDoc.h
# if _MSC_VER gt; 1000
# pragma once
# endif//_MSC_VER gt; 1000
# include kursovayaDoc.h Grafik: public CFrameWnd
{_ DYNCREATE (Grafik):
//protected constructor used by dynamic creation
//Attributes: (); * mf; colorArray [17]; i; proc [200]; kof [200]; otr [200]; * Doc; Init_3d ();
//protected constructor used by dynamic creation ~ Grafik ();
//ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
//{{AFX_VIRTUAL (Grafik): BOOL PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT amp; cs);
//Generated message map functions
//{{AFX_MSG (Grafik) _msg int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); _ msg void OnPaint (); _ msg void OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
//Microsoft Visual C ++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
# endif //! defined (AFX_GRAFIK_H__E5B353C8_3870_4731_B7FE_0CA730C9A800__INCLUDED _)
Додаток F
. h
# include datagrid.h
# if! defined (AFX_DLG_H__30EEC067_937F_4A1E_AF57_5C9ED66CE085__INCLUDED _)
# define AFX_DLG_H__30EEC067_937F_4A1E_AF57_5C9ED66CE085__INCLUDED _
# include Grafik.h
# include MainFrm.h
# include kursovayaDoc.h
# if _MSC_VER gt; 1000
# pragma once
# endif//_MSC_VER gt; 1000Dlg: public CDialog
//Construction: (CWnd * ...