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Реферат Study aspects of the impact of modern media on the British

al produces an action that is a copy of what was noticed

) Motivation-the individual is motivated to imitate. Motivation refers to rewards and punishments, you will not do anything unless you have some reason for doing it.and punishments are, traditionally, considered to be the things that cause learning. Bandura sees them as motives. An observer anticipates a reward for certain behaviours because somebody else has been so rewarded.course, the negative motivations, punishments, are there as well, giving you reasons not to imitate someone. While, like most traditional behaviorists, Bandura says that punishment in whatever form does not work as well as reinforcement and, in fact, has a tendency to backfire on us. [23] instance, many media contain messages about cigarettes. When people see actors and actresses smoking on screen and see signs for tobacco products at concerts and sports events, some of them might make a conclusion from these massages that smoking makes a person fascinating and attractive. Most Britons can not realize the health risks they are facing when they use these products. People who see a lot of advertisements for cigarettes admit that it influences them to want to smoke. It is not by chance that the three most advertised cigarette brands are also the most popular ones smoked raquo ;. There may be a link between cigarette advertising and peoples smoking. [14]

. 3 Arousal Hypothesis

Hypothesis is one of the theories of media violence set up by Tannenbaum. He believes that exposure to media violence increases aggression because violence increases excitation or arouses viewers.violent video games may have even a greater relationship to aggressive behaviour than viewing violent television programs and movies because people are actively engaged in the violent video game, not just being passive viewers. In this way they are more aroused and excited. Playing a violent video game for as little as 20 minutes causes an increase in aggressive thinking, an increase in aggressive feelings like anger, an increase in physiological arousal, for example heart rate, an increase in aggressive behaviour, helping behaviours .violence has a particularly strong impact on young people, who blur fantasy and reality. Most of the older people may regard the fantastic portrayal of violence as ridiculous and unrealistic, while the younger people strongly believe that they are true stories. Even from the daily life we ??can see that young people are willing to imitate violent cartoon characters, such as Batman, and superheroes with magical powers.Study on Media Culture s Negative Influence on People 67 Cartoon violence is one of the most likely forms to promote imitation raquo ;, said Joanne Cantor, a communications professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It normalizes violence and also trivializes violence in a way by focusing not on negative consequences of violence but making it funny .should not assume that a cartoon or any other type of program is okay for their people simply because it is made for kids. The most vulnerable viewers are people, who happen to be targeted by some of the most harmful portrayals of violence on television. [20]

3.4 Disinhibition Hypothesis

theory investigated by L. Berkowitz called Disinheriting Hypothesis explains that interpersonal aggression will be increased by some certain circumstances: where violence is rewarded; where similar situations are in the current environment; where the environment has a target. This is because the inhibitions against such behaviour have been weakened.they come to accept violence as a way to solve tasks. For instance, they are more likely to hit their playmates, argue, disobey class rules and are less willing to be patient for what they want. Some theorists argue that the constant media diet of violence desensitizes audiences, that is to say, makes them less sensitive to real human suffering.

Young people becoming desensitized to violence mean that they gradually come to not be aroused by violent scenes and to not be bothered by violence in general raquo ;. They believe that people regard screen violence as play or show and with some unknown reasons become immune to the horror of violence. Finally this makes them less sensitive to the pain and suffering of other people. Furthermore, violence can be accepted as the only way to resolve tasks and conflicts. [7]

. 5 Antisocial behaviour

violence encourages antisocial behaviour. High levels of Internet users have been found to spend below average time with other people, to communicate less than normal and to feel more depressed and lonely. A great deal of research suggests that spending large amounts of time ...

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