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Реферат Idiom in English vocabulary

e as a ghost - looks very pale and frightened.went as white as a ghost when she saw the gun.

be as cute as a button - to be very attractive14, she was as cute as a button and the boys were starting to notice her.

. Eyes - one s eyes may have different shape or express different emotions.

pie-eyed - completely drunk.had never taken an alcoholic drink so after one beer the boy was pie-eyed.

eyes like saucers - eyes opened widely as in amazement.eyes were like saucers as we witnessed another display of the manager's temper.

saucer eyes - having large round wide-open eyeshad saucer eyes when she s got the present.

starry eyes - having a naively enthusiastic, overoptimistic, or romantic view; unrealistichas starry eyes what concerns the world.

eyes flash fire - somebody looks at someone angrilywas looking at me angrily, his eyes flashing fire.

stare like a stuck pig - The stuck pig is the pig in the act of being killed, that s why it means that someone looks at somebody like the pig at that moment.I produced concrete proof of his guilt, he stared at me like a stuck pig.

. Nose - one s nose may be big or small, hooked or straight.

aquiline nose - (also called Roman nose, hook nose/hooknose or beak nose) is a human nose with a prominent bridge, giving it the appearance of being curved or slightly bent. The word aquiline comes from the Latin word aquilinus ( eagle-like ), a reference to the curved beak of an eagle.was a wealthy man with an aquiline nose and a beard.

snub nose - a small nose that curves up at the end s face is really beautiful with full lips and a snub nose.

nose to light candles at - red noseplaying snowballs our noses were to light candles at.

button nose - a small, curved upwards nose. They are thought to be cute, appealing and highly desirable by certain individuals.know, children always have those button noses.

. Hair - one may have hair or not, or lose hair. Different hair-does may be dscribed.

thin on the top - If someone, usually a man, is thin on the top, they are losing their hair or going bald.'s gone a bit thin on the top in the last few years.

bald as a coot - a person who is completely bald is as bald as a coot.grandfather is bald as a coot.

hell of hair - used to tell that somebodie s hair is untidy and scruffyEinstein usually had a hell of hair on his head.

crow s lick - sleek hairwas very shy and had a crow s lick on his head.

. Beard - PUs are used to describe the shape of it.

Vandyke beard - is a style of facial hair named after 17th century Flemish painter Anthony van Dyckyoung gentleman with a Vandyke beard was talking loudly.

. Body shape - one may be fat or thin.

a muffin top - a protruding roll of fat that spills out over the waistline of a skirt, pants or jeans. This fat looks like the top of a muffin. s low-cut jeans, unfortunately, don t do anything to minimize a muffin top - in fact, they can even emphasize it.

saddle bags - were bags used to transport goods on horseback. The bags would hang on both sides of the horse. In terms of the human body - in particular, the female body - this idiom refers to an extra storage of fat on the outer upper thighs. As the idiom implies, this fat looks like saddle bags.was extremely fat with big saddle bags on her thighs.

bat wings/bingo wings - bat wings and bingo wings refer to the sagging skin and fat that hangs down on the underside of the upper arms.has got bat wings after he had lost 50 kilograms.

middle-aged spread - refers to the increase in fat in the waist and buttocks area that typically occurs around the time of middle age.was very upset to find out that I had a middle-age spread.

spare tyre - refers to an extra layer of fat that is wrapped around the waist areayou seen her spare tyre?

stovepipe legs - this idiom refers to fat legs that, in terms of their form, look much like pipes - in particular the large ...

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