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Реферат Idiom in English vocabulary

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Chapter 2. Phraseological Units Describing Human Appearance

English language is one of the vastest and most vivid languages ??in the world. It is made up of over 1.5 million words. Over and above that, the same word can have a variety of different meanings depending on the context it is put in; two (or more) words can have the exact same spelling but are pronounced differently, depending on their meaningse to be a very numerous part of English. Idioms cover a lot of drawbacks of the English language and it is one-third part of the colloquial speech.

Phraseological units describing human appearence are usually based on a joke or irony. But sometimes such units may be offensive. Most of phraseological units were created by people of a particular nation.describing people can be divided into two sub-groups: connected with positive and negative qualities, for example: His fingers are all thumbs (he s clumsy) or good as a pie (surprisingly kind and friendly). How people relate to the social norm, for example: all brawn and no brain (someone who is physically very strong but not very intelligent).

The class of phraseological units describing human appearance may be divided into several subclasses, according to the object which is described. It comes as follows:

. Facial features, beauty - one may be attractive or ugly. One s face may express different emotions, such as anger, happiness etc.

face like a bulldog chewing a wasp - To say that someone has a face like a bulldog chewing a waspmeans that you find them very unattractive because they have a screwed-up ugly expression on their face.only was he rude but he had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp!

face like thunder - somebody looks very angry.Dad is really angry, he has a face like thunder!

face like a wet week-end - If someone has a face like a wet week-end, they look sad and miserable. s wrong with Pete? He s got a face like a wet week-end!

face only a mother could love - This is a humoristic way of saying that someone is ugly or unattractive.poor guy has a face only a mother could love.

chubby cheeks - refer to full or fat cheeks. Admittedly, on the right person, they can be cute.small child has cute chubby cheeks.

face that would stop a clock - Someone who has a face that would stop a clock has a shockingly unattractive face. ll recognize him - he s tall and thin , with a face that would stop a clock!

poker face - an expressionless face that shows no emotion or reaction at all.sat with a poker face all through the show, revealing nothing of his thoughts.

fresh as a daisy - lively and attractive, in a clean and fresh way.met Molly the other day. She looked as fresh as a daisy.

good as a pie - surprisingly kind and friendly.our argument, she was as good as a pie!

as cold as ice - This idiom can be used to describe a person who does not show any emotion.couldn t understand his emotions, he was as cold as ice.

average Joe - an average Joe is an ordinary person without anything exceptional about them.was just an average Joe and nothing more.

Plain Jane - A plain Jane is a woman who is not particularly attractive.could she win the beauty contest?- She is just a plain Jane.

graceful as a swan - very graceful.is graceful as a swan

fair as a lily - is a very beautiful womandaughter is fair as a lily.

face is made of a fiddle - means that somebody has attractive appearanceface is made of a fiddle that s why many people adore him.

look the picture - if someone looks the picture, they look very pretty.little girl looked the picture in her new dress.

ill looks - having a bad look; threatening; uglyill looks impressed me that day.

good looks - the attractive appearance of someone s facewas trying to hide his natural good looks.

pudding face - a large fat human faceold man had an impressive pudding face.

as ugly as sin - is used to refer to people or things that are considered to be very unattractive.you seen the new neighbour? He's as ugly as sin!

as whit...

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