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Реферат Idiom in English vocabulary

pipes that are used to connect stoves to chimneys.was a very tall woman, with stovepipe legs.

a beer belly - is said to be due to the consumption of too much beer, eating too many delicious fattening meals and Christmas sweets is likely to produce a similar effect in the long-run.can see Santa s post-Christmas beer belly at the top of this page.

turkey neck - refers to what is otherwise called a double chin. It s an extra fold of fatty, loose skin that hangs under the chin. It is said to look similar to the neck of a turkey.should exercise your body otherwise you will have a turkey neck.

pot belly - is simply another term for a fat bellyhas a pot belly!

mountain of flesh - very high and clumsy person, a mountain of flesh, was the biggest man in the village.

all brawn and no brain - Someone who is physically very strong but not very intelligent s an impressive player to watch, but he s all brawn and no brain.

straight as a ramrod - a person who keeps a straight back and looks very serious.my grandfather invited us for dinner , he used to sit straight as a ramrod at the head of the table.

fat as a pig - exceptionally fat; grotesquely fatI don t stop eating this cake, I ll be fat as a pig!

fat as butter - somebody is extremely fatsaw the woman as fat as butter.

round as a barrel - very big aroundate till he was as big around as a barrel.

bag of bones [skin and bone] - If someone is all skin and bone, they are very thin or too thin.trekking in the Himalayas, he was all skin and bone.

be a shadow of one s former self (to be reduced to a shadow (to skeleton)) - someone or something that is not as strong, healthy, full, or lively as beforesick man was a shadow of his former self.

pale and wan - become pale and sickstill looks pale and wan after her illness.

wear oneself to a shadow - made thin and weary through eg hard work.was worn to a shadow after months of nursing her sick husband.

gaunt as a grey-hound - to be as thin as a aspecial breed of a dog (Any of a breed of tall slender dog, having a smooth coat, a narrow head, and long legs and capable of running swiftly) .was gaunt as a grey-hound after her diet.

gaunt as bone - thin and bonygirlfriend is as gaunt as a bone.

thin as a lath - having little fat on one s bodywas tall and thin as a lath, with short brown hair.

as fit as a fiddle - in an excellent state of health or physical condition.grandfather is nearly ninety but he s as fit as a fiddle.

. Height - one may be tall or short.

head and shoulders above - very tall or having far superior tolooked like a leader, head and shoulders above.

mushroom growth (grow up like a mushroom) - to grow rapidlyson grew up like mushroom.

vertically challenged - This term is a humoristic way of referring to someone who is not very tall.shelves are difficult for vertically challenged shoppers.

. Age - one may be young or old.

old head on young shoulders - his expression refers to a child or young person who thinks and expresses themselves like an older more-experienced person.she heard Emily warning her brother to stay out of trouble, her mother thought: That's an old head on young shoulders.

be too long in the tooth - a bit too old to do something. sa bit long in the tooth for a cabaret dancer, isn t she?

old as a Methuselah - very old (A biblical patriarch said to have lived 969 years) grandfather was old like a Methuselah.

polar beaver - an old man, with long white beardwas a polar beaver in Hogwarts.

go down the years - to become olderare constantly going down the years.

advanced in years - old; elderly.uncle is up in years and can not hear too well.

bear ones age well - when someone looks younger than their agean old man, he bears his age wonderfully well.

get on in years - Someone who is getting on in years is growing old.grandmother is gettin...

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