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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Фармакокінетика засобів, що використовуються при анестезіологічному посібнику

Реферат Фармакокінетика засобів, що використовуються при анестезіологічному посібнику

- P. 1987-1992. p> 5. Hug С . С. Pharmacokinetics and dynamics of narcotic analgesics// Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia/Ed. C. Prys-Roberts, С.С. Hug. - Oxford, 1983. - P.187-234. p> 6. Hull C. J. General principles of pharmacokinetics// Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia/Ed. C. Prys-Roberts, C. C. Hug. - Oxford, 1983. - P.1-24. p> 7. Mapleson W. W. Pharmacokinetics of inhalation anaesthetics. // Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia/Ed. C. Prys-Roberts, C. C. Hug. - Oxford, 1983. - P.89-111. p> 8. Miller R. D. Pharmacokinetics of muscle relaxants and their antagonists// Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia/Ed. C. Prys-Roberts, C. C. Hug. - Oxford, 1983. - P.246-269. p> 9. Moffat J. A, Milne B. Pharmacokinetics in anaesthesia// Canad. Anaesth. Soc. J. - 1983. - Vol.3, N 3. - Pt.I. - P.300-307. p> 10. Nimmo W. S., Clements J. A. Ketamine// Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia/Ed. C. Prys-Roberts, C. C. Hug. - Oxford, 1983. - P.235-245

11. Norman J. The I. V. administration of drugs// Brit. J Anaesth - 1983 Vol 55, N 1 січня P.1049 - 1052. p> 12. Prys-Roberts З ., Hug З . С. Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia Oxford 'Blackwell Sci Publ, 1983. p> 13. Prys-Roberts C., Sear J. W. Non barbiturate intravenous anaesthetics and continuous infusion anaesthesia// Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia/Ed. Prys-Roberts J., Hug С.С. - Oxford, 1983. - P.128-156. p> 14. Reues J. G. Benzodiazepines// Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia/Ed. Prys-Roberts C., Hug C. C. - Oxford, 1983. - P.157-186. p> 15. Sear J. W. Effect of renal and hepatic disease on pharmacokinetics of anaesthetic agents// Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia/Ed. C. Prys-Roberts, C. C. Hug. - Oxford, 1983. - P.64-88

16. Stanski D. R. Pharmacokinetics of barbiturates// Pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia/Ed Prys-Roberts C., Hug C. C. - Oxford, 1983. - P.112-127. p> 17. Symposium on pharmacokinetic aspects in therapy// Triangle. - 1975. - Vol.14, N 3/4. - P.99-160. p> 18. Vickers M. D., Schnieden H., Wood-Smith F. G. Drugs in anaesthetic practice. - 6-th ed. - London: Butterworth, 1984. br/>

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