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Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

ent and other facilities and providing facilities that are not included in the internal environment of the logistics system that is studied, throughout the supply chain); 2. Subsystem internal management logistics infrastructure enterprises studied ( own transport, mining, storage, packing services, equipment, units for servicing and other logistic processes that are internal logistics system environment). [3, p .. 274-276] The control system of logistics infrastructure business has set itself the following tasks : - Choice of alternatives to the strategy development of logistics infrastructure; - Calculation of performance indicators logistic infrastructure elements; - Distribution of functions, duties, responsibilities of employees engaged in maintenance logistics processes and operations; - Motivation to work, staff training, retraining; - Ozrobka norms and standards of labor and material - technical development; - Creation of information infrastructure; - Reducing the cost of maintenance of material flow; - Through planning and control of all participants in the logistics chain. Today, the complexity in implementing the above tasks associated with the emergence of problems in the management of logistics infrastructure, which most businesses do not consider attention. The emergence of these problems affect the competitiveness and efficiency of the whole enterprise. [13, p .. 79] Yes, one of the common problems is the problem of location of infrastructure. There are two manifestations of this problem, in - First, most companies have in their internal infrastructure of some elements, such as lack of personal and technical means, the vehicle fleet, and others. Because companies are beginning to interact with other organizations and companies that can provide all necessary services to maintain logistic processes and operations, the location of which is often not economically profitable for the enterprise; on - Second, companies may have their own structure in all the above listed items of infrastructure, but these elements (warehouses, transport companies, etc ..) well located geographically unprofitable, hence increasing the cost of time and financial resources of the enterprise as a whole. And in the first and second case, we are faced with the problem of location decision which has long-term. Convenient location - not a guarantor of a successful business, but it is a necessary condition. Starting form the logistical infrastructure necessary to determine the number and location of each type of unit (facilities) required to perform logistics functions. In addition, you must determine how many and which stocks should be kept in each object and where customers place orders for supplies. [1, sec. 345]. When choosing the location of the elements necessary logistics infrastructure, consider the following factors: - Location of customers (location near to the users reduce costs and transportation); - Location of suppliers and materials (for m...

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